Ask Velma 

Page 2 of our Summer Update!

How questions are selected

Tanya writes: Dear Velma , You are smart . I dont have much to say. I am your biggest fan. My sister is Daphni's biggest fan .

Velma: Thank you! I will have to show Daphne this, too-- she loves her fans as much as I love mine!

Thanks to ScoobMoonBusters for the pic!
dr.reyond ghostin writes: dear velma have you ever think that the so called "ghostbusters" who by the way are very similer to you guys that their stories happened or not becouse they do have the advenge of money and all what do think?

Velma: They are similar in some ways, but our methods are quite different. While they use a lot of high-tech gadgets, we rely more on old-fashioned sluething. We have been getting some gadgets of our own lately, I'm happy to say!

robert jack doo writes: dear velma i think the new series what's new scooby doo is great but there is a question of which to ask have you or the rest of the gang been shown a dark and dangerous side example like spooky island show you being possessed so how come you didn't in the this series or the next  .p.s how dangerous is it?

Velma: I'm glad you like it. Some of our mysteries are "darker" and scarier than others, and they are often our most complex mysteries as well. Because of this, they need more time to play out than you can cram into a half-hour show. They're reserved for our longer movies, like Zombie Island, Witch's Ghost, and the live-action film-- all of which are pretty spooky at times!

the phantom writes: dear velma do have a disliking to these guys in grey known as the ghostbusters who i think are almost like you guys or what i mean that egon is like the male verson of you p.s whatever happens to crimals anyway besides prison even the old ones do you know?

Velma: No, I don't dislike them at all. I do get the Egon comparison a lot. As for what happens to the criminals-- it depends what crime they are convicted of. Some of the ones we catch are guilty of nothing more than disturbing the peace, so they probably get a warning or a fine. It really depends on the laws of the area. The ones who run smuggling operations, commit fraud (and that's most of them) or actually try to hurt people end up in jail.

mr.ghost writes: hello dear velma i am wondering something in the new series you and the gang are in what's new scooby doo you seem a bit i don't know darker or brooding to some digree and what the heck happens if "that evil little mutt" decides to take revange answer p.s ever head of the hulk?

Velma: Oh, jinkies, I don't want to think about that. If he did, I'm sure we'd outsmart him again, though. P.S. Yes.

the phantom writes: dear velma i like the new series what's new scooby doo but i am a bit culeless of how it fits in with zombie island or even the live action movie plus what do you think of the ghostbusters if you know what of talking about answer back

Velma: Do you mean how it fits in chronologically? It takes place before either of those movies.

Tash writes: Hi Velma! Im a real fan of scooby doo! Iv'e got a question for you! When is your birthday? If you can answer that Id be very pleased! You'd be my compleat hero! Oh I also think you are realy cute! From Tash

Velma: Thank you! Jinkies, I'm a heroine... I'll have to watch my behavior! No more losing my patience with Shag and Scoob... As for my birthday, it's in May.

rowan fan writes: did you enjoy working with rowan atkinson

Velma: Yes, very much. I'm so glad he decided to do our movie!

jreb writes: Hi Ya Velma: Again thanks for including my question in last months batch. Its means a lot really thanks! Hey I've noticed you guys have worked with a lot of old school comedians like the Three Stooges. [twice] I was wondering if you learned any thing from them? Perhaps how to be a better 2ond bannana to Shaggy & Scooby? Or the riggors of physical comedy? But you guys worked with the Stooges before they were cool and that was -well cool! Once again your humble servant.

Velma: You're welcome, and these are some good questions you've come up with for this month, too! I don't know if I learned anything from the Stooges, but I don't really think I'd like to be second banana to our very own stooges, Shaggy and Scooby. Too many detours to the kitchen--I'd rather be looking for clues, myself. As for physical comedy... do you suppose losing my glasses counts? (: The gang certainly thinks it's funny... (grumble, grumble)...

Steve writes: Hi Velma. I wanted to know a couple things, how is scrappy doo and flim flam doing? Will they appear on whats new scooby doo soon? And How is Shaggy's girlfriend Mary Jane? Does She Help You and mystery inc? Will she appear on whats new scooby doo also? Can u please pick my choice or if u don't pick it, can u email me it. thank u. Velma u r the best. Go Velma!!!!!

Velma: Well, I don't exactly keep in touch with Scrappy, but I can't imagine that he's very happy right now-- what with his plans for world domination falling through. Daphne does keep up with Flim-Flam and says that he is doing just fine. Mary Jane does help us with mysteries, yes-- she's great at bribing Shaggy into helping out when the going gets spooky! I don't think any of those three are going to be on WNSD, though.

crystal writes: Hi Velma Do you think thay every make a pup named scooby doo movie? In pup named scooby doo you have bag that you take with you and it has all those thing in it like the computer,and other thing. How do you get all the thing in that small bag? Are thay going to make a pup named scooby doo 3 season? i love to be in the pup named scooby doo show. Ok that all, Bye

Velma: I'm glad you enjoy the show so much! I don't think there will be another season, since that show originally aired back in the 80s. Same with a movie, but you never know. In fact, there's talk of there being flashback scenes of the gang as kids in the upcoming Scooby 2! (The role of Young Daphne has been cast, but in the movie business, things change by the day!) As for getting all of my equipment into that tiny case on the show-- that's just one of the great things you can do in a cartoon!

Lance writes: Velma, Hi again. I have some questions I would like to ask: What do you like to do on your weekends? Have you ever been to Europe? Do you like to eat at Burger King or MacDonalds? Have you ever died your hair before(if so, what color?). Thanx for taking your time to read this.

Velma: You're welcome, Lance. Mysteries pretty much fill my weekends, and when we're not on a case, we sometimes just "hang out." I do eat at those places sometimes, though I'm partial to the old Malt Shop! Yes, I've been to Europe, but no, I don't dye my hair. Daphne wanted me to add that she doesn't dye hers either! (:

laretta writes: Dear Velma, I love that hairdoo and those glasses!! Would you *please* let me know which designer frames you wear, and how long it takes you to do your hair in that famous "doo?"

Velma: I don't think anyone's ever said that about my hair before! Thanks, I like it, too. Once you get it in place, it stays that way all day without any fuss. Very practical. (As for how long it takes to get it in place... tell the truth.... it takes awhile.) I'm afraid I can't tell you which designer frames I wear, because I really don't know. I never pay attention when I'm buying them.

Supercell writes: Velma, you are so cute! Now I have a true ghost mystery that exists in my home state. How about you and the gang coming for a visit? I'll take you to the site. I'm not joking! This story has been on Unsolved Mysteries. If anybody can solve the mystery, you guys can.

Velma: I'm intrigued! I'll have to do a little research on this mystery of yours! As for your first comment... thanks. I know that it doesn't seem like it because of my personality, but.... well, I like hearing it! Sometimes I'm just not too good at handling compliments, though.

velmadinkley128 writes: Where did you get all of your skills on helping solve mysteries? I know that you have been a part of Mystery Inc ever since you were a kid. I'm sure that was also a great practice! In the next movie will any other characters, like scooby dum or scooby dee be in the movie? I know that Scrappy was in the movie and maybe scooby doo could have a girl dog that he falls in love with...

Velma: Practice had a lot to do with it, but it was the information I picked up from school and my own studies that really helped me figure out the clues. I don't know if any of the other members of the Doo family will be in the second movie, but I'm sure Scooby would like a "girlfriend" this time! He got kind of left out in the regard in the first one. Then again, he'd probably be perfectly happy if they just gave him a pile of cheeseburgers of something. Who knows?


Velma: Yes, I remember your question, and I'm glad you're not so worried about the tests anymore. Now you can enjoy your Easter holiday! Eating chocolate sounds like a good plan to me! I'll do plenty of that, along with visiting with my family and friends.

Alex writes: Hi Velma.....I love you! You are my favorite. Do you really lose your glasses? Will you be in Boston, MA anytime soon? I hope so! Love, Alex

Velma: Jinkies, I feel so.... well, loved! Oh, yes, I really do lose my glasses, and usually at the worst possible times. I don't know if we'll be in Boston-- any good mysteries there? 

nickt1208 writes: Dear Velma, Don't you ever feel leftout??? I think that you are definetley the smartest of the gang and that you hardly ever get any recognition? How can you handle not getting any? I am the more shy and quiet type, are you outgoing or shy? I think that it is good that people like you are indivisuals and never want to be like anyone else. Would you rather stay the same and not get any attention or be like someone else and be the center of attention??? please email your thoughts back... Sincerely, nickt1208

Velma: Jinkies, those are quite the deep questions you've thrown at me there! I'll have to do some soul searching! Do I ever feel left out--well, not now, but there were times before when I did. Nobody meant for it to happen, but it just does sometimes in a group, especially one with an odd number. That's all worked out now, and the gang is closer than ever. Yes, there were also times when I didn't feel like I got any recognition, and that's why I left the gang. Again, that's also been repaired. 

This might sound strange, but I think I'm actually more outgoing than shy, and least around my friends. I love speaking my mind! (I was very shy when I was a little girl, though.) There are times when I still get that way... I'm very reserved about my emotions and letting out my feelings, though, so I'm not what you would call an outgoing person, like Daphne or Fred.

That's a very hard question that you asked last... I believe that you have to stay true to yourself, because even if you do get more popularity by changing, you'll regret selling out. I'd like to say that I've never even thought of changing things about myself in order to fit in more or get more attention, but there have been times when I've been tempted to. It hurts not to get any attention at all. Now I get the best of both worlds, but it took a long time. My family and friends always loved me for who I was, though, and they're who really matters!

Jeremy Carl M. Balais or JC writes: Hi, my name is Jeremy. My question is: Why is that Daphne and Fred go togeter if you all split-up?

Velma: Hmmmm... I think we all have our theories on that one! (:

shane writes: in scooby doo and the legand of the vampire why do you wear pink glasses and why are your glasses tinted blue.

Velma: Daphne found those for me to wear. They were supposed to help me look more like a rock star for my undercover disguise.

amy-bekks writes: Dear velma i have some good news and some bad news. Bad news is our computer keeps on crashing while I am on your site and I will not be getting my bronze netball award. Good news is in maths I have moved from leval4 to leval5. best wishes amy(thats my real name!)

Velma: Computers can be like that sometimes; I hope you can get it fixed soon. Congratulations on your math, though! That's great!

JC/ Jeremy writes: Velma,I Have lots of SD activity books! What do you mean by stop-back often just back from your web?????

Velma: I've seen those! By "stop back often" I mean that you should check on this page because there are often new updates!

Tasha writes: Hi Velmster, Um Im not sure how to say this but... Ok ill admit it. Me and my little sister think you are cute! Even though we are girls! Well I don't want to keep you waiting so here's my question: When is your birthday? I hope you can answer my question.

Velma: Hi Tasha! My birthday is in May, so it's coming up here pretty soon. Thank you for saying I'm cute-- for years nobody said that, and now I just don't know what to do with the compliments! Thanks!

MEL writes: It's me I have some questions for you.
1.What is your fav. "WHAT NEW SCOOBY-DOO?" It's hard to pick a favorite. I'll have to say any of them where I didn't have to wear an embarrasing outfit. But then again, meeting Chip Hernandez Jr. on the movie set was nice... he's so dreamy! Did I just say dreamy?! Jinkies.
2.Have you seen Spy kids? Yes. I don't remember too much about it, but I liked it at the time.
3.Do you think your a good singer? I have no idea.
4.Whats your fav. scene in S.D LEGEND OF VAMPIRE ROCK? Exploring the Outback.

In the words of Scooby "REACE" See ya

Elizabeth writes: Hello. I am really want to be in the Scooby Doo 2, but I can't find an audition.Were do I look?

Velma: I answered this question in detail in last month's Ask Velma, so you might want to check it out there. I get so many questions about being in the next movie, and I love that you all are so excited about the sequel! The gist of my answer last month is that auditions for big studio films like Scooby are usually private and arranged by agents, so that's why you haven't found anything. If you live in the filming area, though (British Columbia) you should keep your eyes out for calls for extras (background people) in the newspaper! Also, if you like acting, make sure you try out for some theatres in your area or take an acting class! 

Cyndikitty writes: well velma i just watched my favorite move scooby-doo and the witche's ghost and i was wodering if you new anything about the Hex Girls. Do they have a website? Do you now where i could get a costum like Thorn's thank you CyndiKitty

Velma: Have you seen our newest movie, "Scooby Doo and the Legend of the Vampire?" The Hex Girls are in it! I don't know of any websites for them, and as for the Thorn costume, I'm not really sure where you could buy one. A costume shop or a gothic-themed clothing store might have something close. You could also look in some costume pattern books at the fabric store and see if they have something similar (maybe in the Gothic or Renaissance sections.) I hope that helps!

jade writes: hi velma my names jade and i cant see without my glasses to but in the new scooby doo video why do you wear pink glasses

Velma: It was to go along with my rock star disguise! I could see through them just fine.

froggy writes: Hey, Velms its me again.I have a couple more qustions :
1.Do you play Play Station? From time to time. Shaggy has one, and we play it sometimes when I'm over there visiting.
2.How come when ever someone asks you about Scrappy you say "who"?(he was in your movie) That's sort of my way of saying that Scrappy-Who isn't on my list of favorite "people" just now. I don't think anyone can blame me for this!
3.Have you seen Legally Blonde?if so did you like Linda Cardellini in it? (she played Chutney) I did like that movie! Linda Cardellini is always good, I think.
4.Do you think Tom Welling is cute? ( he plays Clark on Smallville) Yes!
5.Is there a TV in the Mystery Machine?  There is.

thanks, froggy

One quick note to all my fans, we have all been so busy that sleep has been a little hard to come by! The "Ask Velma" forum will be getting a much needed rest and so will I !

While I'm asleep, the format of this forum will be changing. I think the results will be very pleasing to all.

Goodnight for now, Velma 

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