Ask Velma 
Jinkies! It's a TWO page update this month! So many great questions!  

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Mason writes: Hey Vel-Dog, what's up? I haven't talked to you in a long time. Anyway I got some question to ask you:

1.Do you and the gang watch your shows? Certainly!
2.Have you ever had an accident on the set of the shows? (lights breaking, Someone is hurt) No one has ever been hurt on the set, but we've had some pretty funny mishaps! (You can get an idea by watching the blooper reels on our new movie, "Scooby Doo and the Legend of the Vampire!")
3.Do you do any sports? No, not unless you count all that running around during our mysteries!
4.Are you a Disney fan? I'm not really a fan, but I do like many of their animated films.
Billy writes: In What's New Scooby Doo, there is a scene where you jump off of a building being only held up by a rope. Were you frightened to do that scene? Were you worried the rope might break?
Velma: YES! 

Daphne did offer me a Scooby Snack before hand tho...  Gee, Thanks Daph!

Velma writes: People I know say I look exactly like Velma from the Scooby Doo movie. I am a huge Scooby Doo fan. Are there any Scooby Doo look-alike contests in the NYC area? Feel free to call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx and put me on any mailing lists you might have regarding Scooby Doo.

Velma(#1) I don't know of any look-alike contests in NYC, but there is one on another page at that you could send your picture to! Jinkies, I just don't know what to do with all this attention! I haven't heard of any mailing lists, though. 

jreb writes: Dear Velma: Let me the one of the first to congratulate you and the Gang on a one more mystery solved the "legend of the Vampire" ! NOW when can we expect an record from you guys? That was quite a surprise to here you sing ahhhh... lets say not under the influence of say ..well.. red skill. Hey it took some GUTS to do what you did Vel! To face your fear and deal with it then to see get to enjoy it and get into the music! But heck we knew you could do it! Who knows you might make people forget Nora Jones! One more thing I don't want to seem to forward but...well...ok you looked darn [well] HOT in that outfit! There I said it! But I would think that IM a fan. One Final thing your Skipper doll [that's right] is getting out in the stores now. The neat thing about that is YOU sold out before Daphne at my local Target! Once again your humble servant

Velma: Jinkies, I don't know what's with me and all this public singing! Us "Meddling Kids" don't have an album, but there are soundtrack albums for many of our films. I don't sing on any of them, but there is a really good song from my point of view called "It's a Mystery" on the "Witches Ghost" album. Kind of sad, though. 

As for that last part-- I'm blushing! At least some good came out of wearing those awful shoes!

Skunky Dunky Doo writes: Velma, why is it that Scooby talks with a "dog" accent, but Scrappy doesn't?

Velma: Who??   ;)

jade writes: you said you cant see without your glasses right, well how come in what's new scooby doo you loose your glasses in the water and you can see just fine without them?

Velma: That, would be called a "Blooper!" 
It does, however, bring up an interesting point. Ever open your eyes underwater? Things look blurry. This is because the front of your eye is round and displaces a curved area of water in front of it, just like a concave lens! That just happens to be the kind of lens used to correct nearsightedness. In other words, if you are slightly nearsighted, you can see better underwater than all those 20/20 folks! 

Kimberly writes: Why do you close your eyes when you lose your glasses?

Velma: They are actually not closed. It is called a squint and it is slightly helpful when trying to focus without my glasses on. 

Considering what I always seem to see when I get my glasses back, maybe I should just keep them closed! 


brendon writes: how old are you p.s. is there another scooby doo movie

Velma: I'm in my mid-twenties -- that's all you're getting! (: By "another movie" I'm assuming you mean a live-action sequel, and the answer's yes– it's coming out next year!

Matthew writes: What types of music do you listen to? I mostly listen to oldies (1950-1974), big band era (1920-1950), WWI (1915-1920), classical, and choir music.

Velma: I'm like you-- I like many different kinds. In the Mystery Machine we listen to pop-rock, and Shaggy always puts on lots of 60's songs, too.


Scooby writes: Hi I love scooby doo!!!!! Will Mary Jane be in the movie scooby doo 2?She was in the first one. also do u think she will join mystery inc? I hope she does because it will be like Charlies Angels with Daphne, Velma and Mary Jane. if u don't answer the question can u please email me the answer. thanks

Velma:  No word yet on Mary Jane being in Scooby 2. (I'm sure Shaggy's rooting for a yes on that one!) She hasn't joined Mystery Inc, but we all see her a lot when she's visiting Shaggy, and she's been on a few cases with us.

Lizzie writes: hey Velma (again, again) it's cool that you knew how to pronounce Alysia! How did you know? do you have a dog (besides scooby)? we just got a new one, his name is Bogdon. 
he's a chiwawa. (that's not spelled right.) have you heard perpetual dawn, it's a song. we're
doing a variety show and i'm dancing in it to no no no. you should come to Dickinson ND. thats were i live. well gtg bye! luv ya. luv always all ways lizzie

Velma: I'm sure you'll do a great job in the show! No, I don't have another dog besides Scoob (he's quite a handful!) and I haven't heard of that song. I'll have to ask Shaggy about it. As for knowing how to pronounce the name-- knowing how to pronounce words is my business! The phonetics
class I took in college helps! 

peaches writes: what is the name of the older gray dog?

Velma: I think you mean Scooby-Dum, who is Scooby-Doo's cousin.

kiddos writes: I'm doing a project on you for my school, i was wondering if you could post a more in depth bio of your self on your web site. it would be a great help thanks

Velma: Jinkies-- a project about ME? I'm completely flattered! I'm not planning on an in-depth bio, but there's lots of features on this site that will help you out.  My interview, the interviews with the gang, and the Ask Velma archives have a lot of information that you could use! Also, you could check out some of the sites in the Real Scooby Webring-- many of them have bios.

Thorn writes: Where can I get some pictres of the Hex Girls and Thorn?

Velma: Hmmm... haven't seen too many of those. You could try a specific web search like this: "scooby doo" +"hex girls" There is also a Scholastic book by Gail Herman called "Scooby Doo and the Hex Files" that has many pictures of the group. You can probably find it in the kids' section of most bookstore chains.

KRysty writes: hi velma i just want to know some things about you for my  assignment on you.

Velma: Another project about me!? I don't know what to say! (: Check out my answer to kiddos' question on this page.

On to Page Two of this month's  Ask Velma  

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