Ask Velma 
Page TWO of our big March 2003 update!

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Velma: I love them, especially because they're in lots of new and different locations.

gbug writes: What does Shaggy carry in his back pocket?

Velma:  You're asking me? ;)  I would suspect many of the items that have been in there over the years are food related. On two or three occasions, he has been nice enough to carry a spare pair of my glasses, which was very nice of him. I just wish I knew a better way of getting potato chip oil off my lenses! 


Stasi writes: Dear Velma it is Anastsia but you call me Stasi. 

1. Do you like playing in the 
Scooby-Doo movie? 
I'm not quite sure what you mean by your first question, but if you mean do I like how I was portrayed in the movie, the answer is yes! Linda did a terrific job.
2. Do you like math?  Jinkies, yes!
3. You do like Scooby-doo don't you? Of course!

well I got to go. well Bye-Bye!!!!!!!!!!

william writes: Velma,On What's New Scooby Doo you were a stunt girl chasing a phantom on a movie, how come you'll wearing a black wig and a jumpsuit and yelling jenkies. Do you think Daphne And Fred are getting married in Scooby Doo comic No.75 is this is the end of Mystery Inc.Do you think a new Scooby Doo video. What a Daphne Blake video. Will you sign a autograph of Scooby Doo And  The Gang on the beach. Is there a Daphne and Fred having a comic book series

Velma: Jinkies, that's a lot of questions! First of all, I wore the wig and jumpsuit during the stunt so that I would look like the character. (I wasn't too crazy about that outfit, though!) As for yelling "jinkies," it gave me courage! I don't know if Fred and Daphne are getting married, but I do know that it would NOT be the end of Mystery Inc if they did! I also don't know about the comic books-- that's Shaggy's department. 

Susan writes: You are my hero! I always have to wear glasses, and I used to feel like something was wrong with me. I saw Scooby last year for the first time. I don't wear orange sweaters, but I do kinda look like you. People were calling me Velma, and I used to think it was an insult, now I go along with it and some of the kids that were not my friends kinda think I'm cool! 

Velma: Thank you! Nothing is wrong with you. 62% of us have to wear glasses. Funny as it sounds, that makes us the norm! I'm glad you found a way to make friends with them, friends are always better then adversaries. I am also glad that fashion is catching up with me ;) 

christian writes: where do you shop for clothes?

Velma: In whatever stores Daph drags me into during our shopping trips! (: Okay, I'm kidding a little bit, but if a store has what I like at a decent price, I'll buy there. 

crystal writes: Hi velma 

1. how did you and the gang first meet? Coz it dose not say anything in scooby where are you or a pup named scooby doo. i just thounght it may of been in one of those show, i thounght would be in scooby doo where are you coz it was your first show and i thounght it may of  be in the a pup named scooby do coz you where kids then. but if it dose say some thing in the a pup named scooby doo plz tell me coz i have not seen all of the pup named scooby doo. 

Great question! Shaggy, Fred, and I lived close to each other and our parents were friends, so we met when we were very little-- even before "Pup Named Scooby-Doo." We probably all met as babies, but don't remember it! Daph lived in a different part of town, so we met her a bit later, in school. 

2. in a pup named scooby doo: How do you get shaggy, scooby, freddie, daphne  and you on to that super-powered skateboard, you maked.

It's amazing what one can do when one is being chased by some scary creature! We all just piled on and then hung on for dear life! 

3. in a pup named scooby doo are you the leader of the gang? coz you make the plan's and make up the traps.

Ha, Fred'll love that one! Actually, it's pretty hard to say. I made the plans and explained the case, but Fred gave the orders and Daphne corrected them! 

Mistery Man writes: HA HA BOOOOYYYYAAAAAAA Im back from my dark corner miss me
Well Velma I have cuestions:
1 Do you still remember this fan?

Velma: Oh, yes. That phrase of yours is pretty distinctive!

2 What happend to the compartment of the back (Computer, hi-tec gear) in the movie of Vamire.

Velma:  Ah, the van question! To tell you the truth, what's in the back of the van changes from movie to movie, episode to episode. Call it a blooper, I guess! You're right, we do have hi-tech gear back there, sometimes along with a lot of other stuff! 

3 Who won the rock contest

Velma:   No one really did. What with all the bands disappearing and reappearing, and the fact that those guys were trying to rig the contest, the competition aspect was removed. Still a great concert, though! 

Weelll thats all the cuestions but there will be more I recon, on another subject the new movie was really old school, but I didn't like the coloring, It was toooo brigth in comparition of their predecesors, also I don't know how it jump from real monsters to fake ones and old clothes, why, why it bogles the mind. well goodbye.

Buddy writes:  Velma: 
Is scooby a robot? No, he's 100% Great Dane!
How is the gang? Fine, thanks! Busy.
How old is scooby and the gang? Scooby is seven years old. When the gang started, the guys were 17, Daph was 16, and I was 15, but now we're all in our mid-twenties.
How is the mystery machine? Still running-- when it isn't overheating or running out of gas right in front of some spooky mansion, that is!
Is scooby fun to work with? You bet!
Does scooby and saggy really eat that much? Unfortunately, yes. 
Is freddy in love with daffney? The classic question! I don't know about using the L-word, (though I do have my theory on that one!) but I think it's pretty obvious that they have a serious attraction going. 
What is your I.Q? I've never had it tested that I can remember. I will one of these days.
thanks for your time!

Lance writes:  Velma, Hi again! I just have a few questions to ask. One question I would like to ask you is: Do you like to read magazines? If so, which one(s)? Another question I have is: Where would your dream holiday be at?  The last question I would like to ask you is: Have you been to all fifty states?  Thank you for taking your time to read this. Sincerely, Lance

Velma: I don't read magazines too often, but I like Popular Science and other publications about research and technology. I would have to think about that dream vacation-- too many great places to choose from! I haven't been to all fifty states yet, but pretty close, though a lot of them were just driving through. 


Nikki:) writes: Velma, I saw the new Scooby-Doo movie (the realistic one), and was wondering if there's going to be a second one? If so, PLEASE see if there's  an audition I can attend to. I want to be in the next-if there is a  next-Scooby-Doo movie really, no extremely bad, okay? Bye! -Nikki:)

Velma: Yes, "Scooby 2" is underway! I get a lot of questions from people like you would like to be in it, so here goes. Getting into huge blockbuster films is pretty tricky, even for professional actors. Usually auditions for big studio films (like Scooby) are private and are arranged by the actors' agents. These types of films *very* rarely have open auditions for speaking roles-- though of course if I hear anything, I will let all of you know! Sometimes if a person really wants to be in a particular film, he or she will send their picture to the casting director (professional actors send a headshot, which is a black-and-white 8x10, and a resume--usually more than one time.) Getting a response that way is rare, just because the CDs get so many pictures every day.

If you live near the filming location, you might be able to get in as an extra!  There's talk of the filming being in British Columbia, but that isn't set in stone yet. In big acting cities like LA and NYC, extras are usually hired through agencies or through listings in special newspapers for actors, but in other places things are simpler. Calls for local extras are sometimes listed in the newspaper or on TV, or sometimes they use people who just happen to be there at the time! You don't have to audition, you just have to fit the age range and look needed for the scenes. Again, if I find out anything about this, I'll be sure to report it!

If you're interested in acting and not just in being in the Scooby movie, I'm sure there are theatres in your area that you can audition for! You might enjoy acting classes, too.

Watch out about "falling" with me! Bruce writes: Hi Velma, I watched you since I was 5 years old and naturally, fell in love with you.  But in France, you are doubled and speak french, and your name is Verra. My  question is, can you speak french, (or another language?). Thank you. Much love,  Bruce.

Velma: Oh, thank you Bruce! It's good to be loved! You're right-- my name is Vera in French. (I like it!) I do speak French as well as many other languages, though I am not fluent in all of them. I am better at reading them. 

Simonie Bolonie writes: Hi Velma! I think you're really COOL!!! Here's my question: In  the movie Scooby-Doo on Spooky Island, Fred and Daphne kiss but in the cartoons  they never do. I just wanted to know if they really DO like each other. Just  curious, you know. BYE! -Simone

Velma: You're not the only one who's curious about that! I am sure that they do like each other; they just have had a hard time bringing it out into the open! Maybe that kiss will be a step in the right direction...

Froggy writes: Dear Velma,  my sister and I have a some questions for you: 

1.are you a vegetarian? No. you think that freddie prince jr for fred- matthew lillard for shaggy- sarah michelle gellar for daphne - and linda cardellini for you were good choices?  Yes, I do! Of course, Linda is my favorite. (:
3.have you seen buffy? if so do you like it? I have seen it a few times. I was curious about why they call their gang the Scoobies!
4.have you seen smallville? if so do you like it? Again, a few times. I did like it, but with us out on mysteries so often, I haven't had time for much TV. Of course, I take time out to watch our show!
5.Have you seen that 70s show? if so do you like it? I have, and I liked it pretty well. I'm more partial to the 60s, myself..
6.Have you seen the simpsons episode  "Behinde the laughter" ? if so do you like it? No, haven't seen that one. you like Avril Lavigne? I'm not sure... I have a hard time keeping up with all the new popular singers.

thanks, Froggy and my sister

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