Ask Velma 
This is your opportunity to continue the interview and ask Velma questions about the gang and their adventures. Each month, several questions that have been E-mailed in will be answered. We will keep them posted for as long a time as space permits! To ask a question (using our new, fast online form), Click Here

How questions are selected

Louie writes: Hi there! Is it true that Norville "Shaggy" Rogers father was Mr. Rogers from the Neigborhood? Just curious....I heard today that Mr. Rogers passed away and I am very sadden because I grew up seeing the tv show. I also love the Scooby Doo shows since I was 5 years old and I still watch them with my kids at the age of 39 :) So please e-mail and let me know some info... Thank you, Louie 

Velma: It was sad that he passed away, he really was a friend to all. As far as I know, Shaggy had no relation to him.  I don't he could have been that stress free with Shaggy as a son ;)

Adam Nickle  writes: Hi Velma!, this Adam again and I had a two part question for you. The first part is do you like to watch game shows on TV and the second part is is you do like to watch game shows, what is your favorite like for example, Wheel Of Fortune, Press Your Luck, Match Game, Hollywood Squares, Family Feud, or The Price Is Right. So basically, do you watch game shows and what's your favorite?  Thanks, Velma P.S. I think you are the coolest cartoon character ever!

Velma: Not really into watching game shows. If I had to pick a favorite, it would probably be Jeopardy! 

shane  writes: 
Do you like wearing glasses?  
What do things look like without your glasses on?

Velma: I don't think anyone who really needs glasses likes them. I am quite fond of what they do for me, and I certainly don't hate them. They have become part of my identity and I think I would feel funny without them. As for what things look like without them, blurry would be an understatement! 

Thorne Writes Do you like The Hex Girls at all or did they make you to suspicious in Scooby and The Witch's Ghost?

Velma: They did at first, but I ended up liking them.

Erin  writes: Did u like makin the scooby movie? cuz from what i can tell in the cast comentary it sounds llike u both hated and liked makin the movie im just askin cuz im confused on which one it is write back id lpve to hear from u  ~ERIN~ age 14

Velma: It was a long hard process. During any such struggle, there will be times when you just get bummed out. Looking back on it now, I think the whole thing was a real blast, and I am looking forward to filming the next!

Colleen  writes: I'm a Velma look alike!

Velma: Congratulations! Send us a picture, and we all can take a look!


Jonny  writes: Hi Velma! I just found this site and decided to write to you. I have had a crush on you since before you were born! I'm 32 (no, it's not a typo.) Glad they cast someone in the movie to play you who's even hotter than Daphne should be! My question is, ummmm... Never mind, I don't have a question. I just think you're hot.

Velma: Since before I was born? Why thank you! That transcends both time and space!  I hope Daphne doesn't read this one!

Shootin' star  writes: Hey Velms heres a few questions: Is it true you fancy Fred? Do you ever wish you looked like Daphne?
Why don't you wear rainbow kneesocks? (I do hee-hee!) Thanks Velmster.
By the way I love Linda Cardellini she looks just like you (but not as pretty as the real thing!) My mates & I are crazy on you, one played you in a school play! (I was Daphne) Please answer my qustions, ta. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Velma: A lot of people are talking about me and Fred. I think Fred is rather sold on Daphne. No, I have no desire to look like Daphne. Rainbow Knee-socks?  Heee!

Princess  writes: I'm only 12 but i love the Scooby gang! I've seen loads of episodes, and one of my favourite characters is velma! I think this website is cool, I've told all my mates about it! SCOOBY-DOOBY-DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Velma: Why, thank you!

Bianca  writes:  Dear Velma, I know your the smartest one but I want to know how did you learn all that stuff. How are you? I love watching my Scooby-Doo DVD and the cartoons. Love, Bianca

Velma: I ask a lot of questions of life, and always look for the answers. Some people are very happy to look at something they do not understand, then walk away. I always ask "Why?"

Stasi  writes:
Hi Velma! it is Anastasia but you can call me Stasi. if you did a scale of 1 to 10 what number would you give yourself? and Daphne. and Scooby and Shaggy. and last but not least the dum one in the gang Fred. I have a book that is called. Scooby-Doo Ghost in the Garden. you and Daphne were great in the book.I have a QUESTION. you love Ethanin in the movie. 2 why do you always loose your glasses? 3. do you get straight A's in History? Velma how many mushrooms can you put in your mouth? I hate mushrooms. well nice talking with you I have to go. well BYE!-BYE!

Velma: I thought it was "a question" !   Anyway, if you limit the time to "in the movie" the answer would be no. However.... ;)   As for loosing my glasses,   It really doesn't happen that much!  I loved history, and mushrooms make me gag! 

paigelynn  writes:

1.where was the longest you'lve stayed in one of your movies. Spooky Island set long was it? About six weeks
3. how old were u when the gang sarted? Six years old.
4.out of 4other members of the gang wich one is your favrete, and wich one is your least? Now that would be unfair to answer ;)

scoobyfreak26  writes: Why did they get a cast for the second movie before they even released the first?  P.S. I love your character and the movie.

Velma: That's how they do it nowadays! If they sign you up first, they lock in your price for the second flick. 

Stasi  writes: Hi Velma it is Stasi. Velma why do you not like fashion? well Daphne does. I just LOVE Daphne. who do you like the most in the show and movie on Scooby-Doo but not you in it? who do you think is the best in Scooby-Doo now you can be in it. who is most dumbest in Scooby-Doo? I think it is Fred. he is so DUM! who is the most cute in the group? I think it is Scooby-Doo! he is so CUTE! I think the smartest one in the group
the most silly one is Shaggy. but do you know who the most pretty one is? I am not going to write it I want YOU to figure it out! well I think that I should be going now well BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE!

Velma: I like fashion, I just don't participate!  I really try not to rate people because then the ones you rate the wrong way stop being your friends. Friends are very important to me!

amy-bekks&dipdop  writes: dear velma, myself and dipdop have got a joint question; Are you sending any valentines cards?
love amy-bekks+dipdop

Velma: Sad to say, no.

CAMECAM  writes:

what kind of car do you have? I am, between cars right now.. Long story!
have you ever seen the exorist? Yes
do you belive in spirits? Yes, but not ghosts.
In the dvd did you like the part when you did the locker room seen? What locker room ;)

that all,scooby-dooby-doo

MEL  writes: well i don't have any questions. i just want to tell you some things. when you said you like THE SIMPONS well my name is Melanie Simpon. now don't think i'm crazy but my house IS hunted and why? because my grandma didn't let my sec. grandmas spirit go. lets get out of that. well i do have one question. 

why won't you tell your birth date?  It's in May !
1.what your fav. part in s.d. the movie? A certain mutt being carted away you know the next cartoon s.d. movie?
 (i know)
Yes I do.
3.what kind of car do you have? Wow, what's with the car questions? 

P.S.nice move in "JEEPERS,ITS THE CREEPER" when the Creeper took your glasses and then you kicked him and you took you grabbed your glasses. (i think that is funny) see ya.

Velma: I don't like fake creeps messing with my glasses

Honnybunny  writes: Hi Velma! Its me again! I wanted to ask, why did you sing on the piano at the Voodoo Lounge? I think I know why. I read "Journey of Self-Discovery". Its great! And it said that Ethan, [Velma's Friend] found out that you were drugged by someone. If I found out who drugged you, I would give them something they would never forget! You are so great! Again I am your BIGGEST FAN! Bye!
Hi Velma! Its me again! My question is what is the second Scooby-Doo movie about? And what is your favorite Scooby-Doo T.V. episode? 

Velma: I like her answer! I must have been drugged! You'll have to go and see it! As for the favorite episode, My Hawaiian dance routine on the beach, in Tiki.

amy-bekks  writes: Hi Velma, just got a min to say that Dipdop is my Xbest friend as she kepped on being nasty in ict, now i can't walk walk home with jade (thats the girls name) plus i showed her your website my question is did you ever fall out with people from the gang?

Velma: Anytime you have long friendships, there will be times you "fall out." The gang is no exception!

Monica  writes: We are looking to purchase 25 pairs of the Velma style glasses for a dance number at my daughter's dance studio! Any suggestions?

Velma: Haaa!  Oh, you made me laugh! I would love to see a picture of how it goes!  If you do not have luck at a costume shop, you may want to contact one of the places that collects eyeglasses. Many are not useable and are just discarded. You could still use the frames. Good luck!

Lizzie  writes: Hi Velma (again) Thank you for answering my questions! I was wondering if you have heard "Different People" By No Doubt. It is my fave song! I know i said it was Scooby doo techno remix or World looking in, (Have you heard those?) but i just heard this one and i love it!!!! Is "Jinkies Wheres  Dinkley" an Actual episode? My friends always call me Velma at school because i have glasses like you and i always my turtleneck (we wear uniforms so it's not orange) How do you feel about uniforms at schools? I like them. Three more questions,
1. Do you know what Bratz dolls are( if so do you like them) 2. Do have any role models? ( mine are Velma Marilyn Dinkley, Linda Cardellini, and Alysia Klein.)
3. Do you know how to pronounce Alysia?
That's all for now, chat later!:)!:):)!:)!!:):)!!:):)!!:):)!! Luv always all ways, Lizzie

Velma:  I like Gwen's lyrics. JWD was only ever published here. And as for the look alike, as I always say, send me a picture!  Some day, we will be putting up a look-alike page!  I do know about the Bratz dolls, and I think they are funny! (Remind me of some people I know.)  Thank you on the role model statement. It is pronounced  A-Lee-Sa

Jess  writes: Why do you look so geeky?

Velma: Gee, thanks!  I like to think of myself as Geek-Chic  8-]

Lance  writes: Velma, Hi again. I just wanted to give you a little more info. about myself and ask some more questions. I am a 12 year old boy living in England, but I am not British (My dad is in the Military). I am really happy, because the new show What's New Scooby Doo is coming here soon! My first question is: What do you think was the easiest case that Mystery Inc. has solved so far? My next question is: Who is your role-model? My last question is: What do you you think was the easiest subject in school was?

Velma: Wow, we each would pick a different show probably.  I have many role models. Probably science. 

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