Ask Velma 
This is your opportunity to continue the interview and ask Velma questions about the gang and their adventures. Each month, several questions that have been E-mailed in will be answered. We will keep them posted for as long a time as space permits! To ask a question (using our new, fast online form), Click Here

Dondal writes: Hi Velma Hey velma are you going out with that guy Ethan or Metal Head. If not who are you going out with. Bye Velmster :) 

Velma: Well, I call this column "Ask Velma", so I should answer the question, right?  This one, however, I'm keeping a secret ;)

Bra1n1ac writes: Hi Velma. Some odd questions this time around. First, besides the gang and Johnny Bravo, are there any other toons you hang out with on a regular basis? Also, if you could get stuck in an elevator with one superhero for a day, who would it be? If you could share an apartment with one fictional character from a book, who would that be? And if you could date one toon of any type, who would THAT be? Lastly, I haven't seen much on your site about the vital statistics of you and the gang. Is there somewhere I can find that out? You know, age, height, weight, etc...

Velma: 1)Yes, 2)Batman (Michel Keton version), 3) Probably a tie between Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter, 4)Pass ;), 5) Check this page out!

Angelina writes: Hey Velma! It's me again and this time I only have two questions for you.
1. Have you and the gang seen the two Lord of the Rings movies? And if ya'll have, do ya like them? I have seen both movies and I love them. 

Velma: Well I went to see it as it had such good review and was very impressed with the way in which it was done, the scenery was breathtaking and I hope to one day get to NZ to see the real thing!

2. Okay next question. What is yours and Daphne's favorite song? Mine is "I'm with you" by Avril Lavigne.

Velma: Mine would still be that now "old" song by Smash Mouth, All Star, you would have to ask Daphne hers!

Alright, that's all for now. I guess I'll catch ya on the flip side, Velma! Later dude!

Nightshade writes: Oi, this feels aukward...First off, someone recently asked where they could get clothes like yours. Well, I don't know about anything else, but sweaters are coming into stores now. I actually bought an orange one (I didn't think at the time about how it looked like yours) and wore it to school. My friend, a confessed Scooby Freak, near put my eye out trying to shove her glasses on my face. I guess it doesn't help that I have short auburn hair and dark eyes. Now to the question. How do people say you COULD give Daph a run for her money? I mean, you can and DO get the guy over Daphne. Fred is seriously overrated, and if you recall, Beau, Charles Cousins, ect., all fell for you. Not to mention you have Shag and Scoob rapped around your finger (even if you are just friends). If anyone at WB has half a brain, Charles Cousins will be in the next movie, if for no other reason than to UP THE HOTNESS LEVEL! Besides, five is an odd number. And even with Mary Jane and the gang back together, well...even SCOOBY got hugged at the end!!! You needed to get kissed. Held, on camera, and kissed, 'cause your lovelife sucks as much as mine (actually I think we probably have the same attitude on matters of the heart, I'm the short, brainy, observant one too). Excuse the rambling of this, I'm trying to get over the fact that I'm talking to a Hanah-Barbara production.

Velma: So...what was the question again???

Carlo and Gary write:  Dear Velma I was just wondering is there gonna be a scooby doo number 2 movie. If so how can I go about gettign a palce in it. and if there is gonna be auditions where will they be held.  lots of love!

Velma: The first movie was shot in Australia, most likely the second one will be too. You would have to be near the location to get in as an extra. You would also probably need a Screen Actor's Guild union card as well!  See, solving mysteries is easier!

jackie writes: Dear Velma, my name is Jackie, I am 18. You are one of my favorite characters. You and I have a lot in common. I am amazed at how intelligent you are. In school, science was my favorite subject, and history too, but math was hard for me. I actually got A's in math most of the time, which surprised me, I guess it wasn't hard as I thought, but I did always find it very interesting. I was wondering if you had any siblings? and if you do, what are their names? and one question, why do like "The Simpsons, South Park, The Osbornes, and Drew Carey" ? just asking! your friend, Jackie. 

Velma:  I guess they are just quirky shows, in a non sub-atomic sense. As for the other part, yes I do, but I try to leave them out of public eye.

invisible fan writes: Is the scooby doo project (a parody of the blair witch project) ever aired any-more or was it just a one time only thing? if so, when would it air?  swim, maybe? if anyone would know, it would be you, velma.for a sick laugh, check out jay and silent bob strike back for another, even worse parody of the whole scooby doo gang. even when it doesn't seem like it, everyone really loves you. even someone like me, and i don't love easily. till next time, JINKIES  

Velma: Scooby Doo Project was a one-shot deal, so it probably will not be aired again. I saw Jay and Silent Bob and almost laughed myself horse on that scene! Not a G rated movie folks. 

Cindy writes: Hi Velma i have some questions for you 

1 Do you like Fred ? Yes
2 Are you Daphne and Fred going to get along in the second movie ? Yes
3 When is your Birthday? May
4 Do you think you all are going to break up in the Squeal again ? No
5 If you were the star of the movie what would feel like ? Good
6 Are you jealous of Daphne because she likes Fred ? No
bye Velma and i LOVE your movie 

Dayva writes:

Is scooby real? Yes
What are your favorite foods and drinks? Too many to list!
Do you have a boy friend? Not this second
What age did you want to become a detective? Six
Have you ever gotten kidnapped? Yes
Did you know your my favorite character?  No, Thank you!
What scores did you get on your tests? Which tests?
Why did you want to be a detective? I like mysteries!
Did you like any candy? Of Course!
Where you good at math? Yes
What do you think of the other people in the gang? I like them!
Can scooby really talk? Kind of..

Fija writes: where can I get more info of the Hex Girls? I've done all sorts of searches but can't find any. Also, everybody loves the Hex Girls, so I think you should have them guest star in another movie.

Velma: I do not think they are together anymore, I have not seen them since we did the Witch's Ghost.

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