Ask Velma 

This is your opportunity to continue the interview and ask Velma questions about the gang and their adventures. Each month, several questions that have been E-mailed in will be answered. We will keep them posted for as long a time as space permits! To ask a question (using our new, fast online form), Click Here

amy-bekks writes: Dear velma, my name is amy i live in england, my nick name has got a section of my middle name which is rebecca. one the four possible names for me. my question is i consisterley am writing with my head on the paper on my mum is worried and i think i will need glasses will i. 

Velma: The bad news is, it does sound like you need glasses, but the good news is, the girl with the glasses always gets the guy ;) 

scooby200245601 writes: Hey this is the first time I've visited your site. I was wondering about the possibility of a business doing children's theme parties. I impersonate the voice of Scooby. I've had lots of requests from parents for a Scooby Doo party for their young ones. The question is how do I go about applying as the voice of Scooby? I've been told I do a very good voice impersonation I would very much like a shot at the part.

Velma:  I am not sure there is such a thing as applying for a voice!  One caution note is that when you make money doing something, there are usually royalties to pay! 

jerry morgan writes: you have every right to hate internet stories and rumors about you and the gang, but check out "a journey of self discovery", "rain", or "scooby's double trouble". They are among the best of the fan fiction stories I've found on the net. Hope to write to you again.

Velma:  Oh, I don't think I ever said I hate the internet! I kind of like it! The stories you spoke of are very good indeed. I enjoyed reading them. 

amy-bekks writes: Dear velma can you tell me what your birth date is mine is 23/11/91 and the time if you know the time i was born is 11:53am 

Velma:  Lets just say, May  (of some year) ;)

jreb writes: Hi Velma: For a girl who wears the same thing you and Daph. seem to had have quite a few costume changes over the years. Was that a two piece swimsuit I saw you in the other day? Nice. [old iron face] The jungle outfits in today's episode reminded me of G.I. Joes Australian jungle fighter set. Ok just you guys didn't have the flame thrower! thanks your humble servant

Velma:  Must admit, that is the first time I have been compared to G.I. Joe!  I will try to take this as a complement, but I am having problems parsing your statement for it! 

Loki writes: E...What's up, Velma? It's me again. I saw your answers on my questions, and I'm glad to see that. I want to ask you: 
1)Would you come, with your gang, to Europe (on summer), in my city, for a nice friend holiday? If You come, I'll never forget it.

Velma:  Europe?  Could you buy the tickets? 

2)I know that your favorite movie is "Shrek", but what do you think about "Star Wars: Episode 2-Attack of the Clones"?

Velma:  Actually, I liked it!

3)What is your e-mail address?

Well, that's all.

Angelina writes: Yo, what's up Velma? How are ya doing? My name is Angelina and I have been a Scooby fan all my life (for 15 years!) Anyway I have a few questions for you. You don't have to answer them if ya don't want to. Okay here they are:

1. When's your birthday? May
2. Do you like Shaggy in a romantic kind of way? Not really
3. Where can I get a van like the Mystery Machine? Because I get my driver's license soon and I want a groovy van to cruise around in. Actually, there was one for sale! Check out the Links page!
4. Is there another Scooby animated movie coming out soon? Yes
5. What are you gonna do for Christmas? Eat !
6. Finally, what is up with Fred and Daphne? Do you know what they really do when they split up together? Are they in love or something? Because if they are they should just come out with their feelings and quit keeping the rest of us guessing.  Well, they should answer that, but love does come to mind.
7. How did the events of September 11 affect you and the gang? We were all quite sad.

Dude, thanks for taking the time for listening to me. I'll like catch ya later Velma! Peace.

Velma:   Dude?

crystal writes: Hi Velma In the movie scooby doo and the Cyber Chase, What was it like be transported in to cyber space and what was your Favorite level in the game. How many differ languages can you speak and what are some of them. Can you say your name in differ languages, I know how to say your name in France it's Verra and scooby doo is Scoubidou. Nexted I'm writing a scooby doo story But so i can finnish i need to know how i can melt a iced lake with some sort of solid, so it can be a liquid. Do you think you can help me out. Bye Crystal 

Velma:  Ha! I know English! As for other languages, I know bits and pieces of many languages, but I am not fluid in many. Speaking of fluid, you would probably need to use a large quantity of salt. 

jreb writes: Dear Velma: Well I guess any Scooby [11/30 episode] series has to have an underwater show. You and the gang must have accumulated quite a lot of dive time over the years. How in the heck did you teach Scooby to dive? [Danes not being water dogs] Although being a daughter of marine biologists I guess you must have web feet or something! [does this make you the gang's dive Master/mistress?] B.T.W. you look cuite underwater! Thanks! Your Humble Servant 

Velma:  Nobody can teach a dog how to dive, he just learned on his own!  Now we have a bit of quandary, what do I make of a paragraph that calls me a Cutie, and says I have webbed feet? 

Velmyyyyy writes: Hi. Velma I just have to say that you are the best ever!!!!!!!! Here are my many questions:

1. Where do you get your awesome clothes? I can't find them anywhere. Awesome? 
Better ask Daphne that one!
2. Do you like green? Yes
3. What is your favorite animal? Dog, no Cat... er All !
4. Do you plan on visiting Oregon? Been there, it was closed! 
5. Do you think Melvin Doo should be in the next movie? No.

Thanx for everythin'! don't forget me!


Velma:  Sorry about the quitting. We are back together now. As for being called a "Chick", it was meant in a derogatory fashion, and that upset me.  Would a "Chick" try air diving? 

Daniel the future scooby voice writes: Hey, My name is Daniel Bontempo. I loved Scooby Doo The Movie. It was a funny and enjoyable movie that I watch about 30 times in about 2 weeks. I had always wanted to be an actor or performer. I also am into the paranormal. After watching scooby doo the movie a lot I got down scooby's voice and I can do it well. So if you could m aybe put in a word for me to be in the movie scooby doo 2 if possible please email me.

Velma:  30 times? Wow!  Lots of questions about Scooby's voice this month! As far as I know, his own voice is in good condition. 

Daphoid writes: Hi! How are u? I love Whats New Scooby Doo, it is soooo cool! I was wandering do you know when it comes out in the UK? Have you started the second movie yet? The first one was really good! Ok I've gone on for long enough but just one more question, What do you and the gang do for Christmas? Ok thats all for now, BYE!

Velma:  I don't really know any distribution dates, and as of now, we have not started work on the second film.  As for Christmas, stay tuned to your TV! (WB channel) 

sade writes: Velma, I love your movie just because. I love you in your cartoon!  Why did they take the part out of the movie where you sing? I liked it. Are you going to sing in the next movie? I hope so. Why do you think you are so smart? Why do you like to solve mysteries? Adios Amigo!!

Velma:   The cost of distributing the movie is directly linked to it's length. Also, if a movie gets too long, it may get boring, so, they chopped my song.  :(   I guess I wasn't so smart after all! Anyway, solving mysteries is both a challenge, and fun!

Scoobydoofan310 writes: Velma, When scooby doo 2 will be filmed in 2003 is there any way that the public will have a chance to be an extra in the movie 2 @ the warner brothers studios where most parts will be filmed

Velma:  Actually, most of the first movie was filmed in Australia, locals were used as extras. No shooting schedule has been put together yet for SD2. 

sarah benera writes:  hi velma i love your shows.i really want to ask you this. Do daphne & freddy want to get married.

Velma:  I really don't know. Only they can answer that one.

LJ writes: Hi there Velma, We've all seen how bad Shaggy and Scooby's diet is and I'm sure yours is much better? What do you like to eat and do you have a favourite fruit? Also do you like any of the other WB people outside your own gang? Who is your favourite in Wacky Races for example

Velma:  Don't bet a lot of money on my "better" diet! I eat out with them a lot! As for fruit, I would have to say the Kiwi.  As for favorites, I always hate answering those questions because it implies I like something else less.

PowerDaph writes: Hey Velma again! I was wondering, I couldn't help but notice you and Scooby have more of a bond in the new series, like you did in 'Pup Named Scooby Doo'. Like when Scooby growled at that brat in 'Space Ape At The Cape' and when he helped you find your glasses in 'It's Mean, It's Green, It's the Mystery Machine'. He seems to like you better than Fred and Daphne.  Why is this? Did you live closer to Shaggy when you were younger and could play with him more? :)

Velma:  We all live in the same town, but Scooby, Shaggy, and I tended to hang around a lot!

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