Ask Velma 

This is your opportunity to continue the interview and ask Velma questions about the gang and their adventures. Each month, several questions that have been E-mailed in will be answered. We will keep them posted for as long a time as space permits! To ask a question (using our new, fast online form), Click Here

Kate writes: OK why did you, in the movie, stand on the piano and sing? Weren't you embarrassed? And if you are wondering I saw it on the deleted scenes on the DVD.

Velma: Oh that DVD !  errr.. not sure what to say other then I think I may have been drunk on the sugar in my drink.  No, that's no good... Lets just say that sometimes - Girls just want to have fun!

Dougster writes: Hi Velma! Dougster here. Listen, I know you've been asked about this before, but I've given it a lot of thought, and I think that  laser eye surgery  would be a great idea. Just think of it -- no more sudden blindness at the worst times. No more having to crawl on hands and knees and grope around for your spectacles. You could still wear your glasses, with non-prescription lenses, to keep your look intact. And if some bad guy thinks he can get the better of you by knocking them off, the joke's on him! Ha ha! That just gives me the warmest, fuzziest feeling inside. So just consider it, OK? Thanks!!!

Velma: Oh, my glasses!  I really don't loose them that much! As for laser surgery, that only works on mild myopia (what is known as a -4 or less.) It really wouldn't make a dent in mine! 

Tara writes: What is up with orange? Oh and what's with Daphne and Fred. Are they in love?

Velma: I like orange!  And yes, I am sure they are, even if they will not admit it!

jreb writes: Hi Velma it's me again! One question I've always wanted to ask you if you and Fred regretted not being in the "13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo"? As I recall your a old horror movie fan [as am I] and it must make you sick that you didn't get to work with Vincent Price. You and uncle Vinnie would have been a good team, kinda like a teacher- student relationship! And I'm sure Daphne would rather have Fred around to help with the Mystery Flying Machine [was that a DC-3?] and yourself to navigate than Scrrpy and Film Flam.

Velma: I would have loved to, but we were not asked!

Loki writes: Hi, Velma! How are you? My name is Milan, but you can call me Mickey (or Loki, if You want). I live in Belgrade, in Federal State of Yugoslavia. But, enough about me. The reasons I'm asking You are:

1)How type of perfect man do you like?
2)What is your favorite colour?
3)What is your favourite movie?
4)If You ever find the man of Your Heart, 
   would You say goodbye to Your gang?
- Strong and true to the heart!
- Orange ;)
- Shrek
- No Way !!

Cathy writes: Hey Velms, it's me again. Just thought I'd share with you, I dressed as you for Halloween (as if I would go as anything else) and won the contest at the party for "most original costume." It was ironic because half the people at the party didn't think I was even dressed up. I love the way you look in the new series; my roommate accidentally turned off the VCR the other week, so I am currently 1 episode behind, but I'll catch up eventually. 

Velma: Well, as for Halloween.... A picture is worth a thousand words!  Enough said about what I wore! But, I have to ask, how did your outfit look?  Pictures please! ;)

bra1n1ac writes: Hello again Velma. It’s me. I’ve got a rather difficult set of questions. It’s all about life. If a person is rather depressed most of the time, except when watching old cartoons from when they were young, what is that?  Is that a kind of sickness or insanity? Also, is there some kind of equation you used to find ways to keep from getting bored, or did the monsters just sort of fall into your lap? If so, you’re very lucky. I’d love to meet a monster one day. It would be something to tell my grandkids, and drive away the boredom. Oh, yeah. And is the purpose of life different for each person, or is it always the same, and have you discovered what it is for you? If so, how?  And do you believe there is a higher purpose to people's actions?

Velma: Wow.. Lets see, where do I start....   I don't really get depressed or bored. Life just is too short and too full of information!  As for the monster... Only if you live!  And last but not least, it is different for everyone, and I do believe there is a higher purpose to peoples actions.  However, before making any major life changes, I do urge you to take a close look at the the picture above!  8-)

jreb writes: My dear Miss Dinkley: Little did I relize that the 11/02 episode of "What's New Scooby Doo" would be a treat for us Velma fans! After all these years we see you in HEELS! The rest of the outfit was not bad either. [but ditch the tutu] Can't wait to see that pic. on the site. Did you lose a bet with Daphine? Oh and Velmster NICE LEGS! Thanks!

Velma: I would agree on the subject of the Tutu. Thanks for your kind comments, and for those who doubted, here is your proof that there is more to my life then orange turtle-neck sweaters ! 

And yes, Daphne and I flipped a coin and I lost! 

bra1n1ac writes: First off, Velma, congratulations on the new series. It is as good as your first series, but with better graphics. Second, my condolences on you catching a cold. I’m so glad you’ve gotten better and the sneezing has stopped.  I truly care about your well-being, and since I’ve always been innately Spock-like, that’s saying something. Now for the questions. First off, have you ever run a lot on a cold day, and gotten so warm that the contrast between the cold of the air and the heat of your face caused your glasses to fog up? If
not, do you have a secret to keeping that from happening? If so, don’t you just hate that? Also, do you eat candy? If so, what kind is your favorite? That seemed like an appropriate Halloween question, and all things considered, I think I’ll include my Christmas question as well. If you could get only one thing for Christmas, what would it be? Thanks for your time. P.S.: One girl at the place I work at said you were lousy, and I was mad at her for a while, but she recently apologized, and we’re cool again. I know it’s probably childish to get so upset, but that’s just the way I felt. I don’t know how you’ll take this news, but I thought you might like to hear it, just in case...

Velma:  Cold is better, thanks for asking! Yep, glasses do steam up every now-and-then and I do hate it! Not much into candy. Christmas, hummmm... I am into techno gadgets, and there are a plethora of them on the market, take your pick! And lastly, as long as she says she's sorry! 

Jinkies Girl writes: Hey. Your are sooo cool! Oh, anywho, I have a few questions. One, are you and that metal head guy going out, friends, or what? Two, in Zombie Island when you started levitating, how did you feel with your skirt and the boys below and all? You are my favorite person of all!!! Go Velma!

Velma: Why Thanks!  No, I am not dating at the moment. Err.. and yes.. I would recall that as uncomfortable. 

jreb writes: Just thought with halloween coming on it seems a lot of young ladies want to be you! [your outfit is now in a bag! congrats!] Well what are you and the gang going to be this year? And why for some reason do I have this feeling that you & Johnny Bravo are gonna be Edddie and Magenta from "Rocky Horror"? [can
you tap dance?] Take care and thanks!

Velma: HAA! That is a good one! No, Johnny and I really don't talk much. Well.. he talks, I just don't answer! 

crystal writes: Hi Velma 1. what doze jinkies mean?

Velma: Actually spelled JINKIES, the answer is in an old page. 

2. In the tv show A pup name scooby doo. How old is Velma and how old is scooby doo.

Ahh.. Would that be real years, dog years, or cartoon years?  If you were to follow the script, we would be 8 to 10 years old and Scooby would be 1. Hint- Don't try to figure it out from there!

eds writes: do you have a pet?

Velma: Well, Scooby, of course!

Juleby writes: Hi, Can you please tell me the color of Velma's outfit in the cartoon? Is the skirt brown?

Velma: Brown to brownish red!

Big Bopper writes: Dear Velma, I love watching your show. I have a lot of your things. Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have any pets? Love you, The Big Bopper

Velma: Question of the month I guess!  No, not dating right now. As for the pet question, just look above!

stac writes: Hi Velma

1.velma can you please tell if Daphne and Fred are getting together in the next movie. 

Velma: Now that you would have to ask them!

2.what does Jinkies mean. 

Another Question of the month! See above! old were in a pup name scooby doo?

Again, the answer lies above!

4. is scooby really and computer figure or a really dog.

Velma: Both!

Ollie writes: Hi Velma- I know he looks a lot different now, but do you think somebody like John Schneider (Bo Duke on the Dukes of Hazzard) would make a neat Fred? I really enjoy reading the forum! You're the greatest!

Velma:  I am really happy with the Fred we all know and love! If you are talking about the next movie, John might be a little too old for that roll!

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