We try to answer as many of the questions as we can.Ask Velma (Continued)







Sdblake5 Writes "Hi Velma! What's up? I have a lot of questions for you!!!"

Velma - Err.. ok...

Wow! I can't believe you burned your old wardrobe!"What do you think of Fred and Daphne's new wardrobe in the Witch's Ghost and Zombie Island?"

I liked it! They needed an update! As for me and Shaggy, some things never change!

"I heard Daphne thinks of Fred as a brother, does he think of her as a sister?"

That may be changing.. Stay tuned!

"Why does Fred ALWAYS drive?"

He used to because he was the first one to get his license, but we all take turns now.

"Who actually owns the Mystery Machine ??"

Well, it was Daphne's dad that fronted the money for the first one, but we have it registered to Mysteries Inc now, so I guess we all own a piece of it.

"What does the gang think of Scrappy Doo? (I personally think he's annoying.)"

Who? (Hee hee!)

A real, REAL, big ego!"What does the gang think of Johnny Bravo? (I think he's funny but then again I've never had to work with him.)"

They think he's a jerk with a big ego! He is kind of funny though!

"Why did Daphne become a reporter when she really wanted to be a mystery writer?"

Life throws us all curves. She got the job offer, and her life just headed in that direction.

"Why did Fred become a camera man instead of an inventor?"

I think to be close to Daphne!

"Do you watch your own show if so what's your favorite episode?"

Wow... I would say The Witch's Ghost, but probably because it's so fresh in my memory.

Like Zoinks! He's your friend Velma!"Did you ever really like Johnny Bravo?"

Yea... Something about him... I'd better not get started!

"I heard that you have bad luck with boy friends, does Fred have the same luck with girls? (ex. Lena from Zombie Island and Thorn from the Hex Girls)"

Humm... Sure seems so! Maybe he should just stick with Daphne!

"I've heard that Shaggy is a vegetarian (from other sites, I don't think it's true.) is he?"

His alter-ego Casey Kasem is, as for Shaggy, he'd eat anything on a plate! 

"I've heard that your middle name is Marilyn, do the others have middle names if so could you tell me what they are?"

Shush! Don't tell people that!

"That's it!! (I think)"

Whew! That WAS a lot! But, thanks for the questions!

So much for my taste in men!Alyson Writes: Hi Velma! Ever since I was born I have loved you show. But I still have a question! In Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost did you and Ben have something going on?

Velma Well... Kind of.. Or We would have... 

But then he turned out to be a power hungry warlock! That kind of killed things!


Jinkies! Do you see what I see ?Vidisha Writes: Velma, do you remember who solved the most mysteries with Scooby and Shaggy? Fred, Daphne, Scrappy or you?

Velma Well, lets subdivide the word solve into it's three components-
Solve - Me and Fred (tied)
Stumbled onto - Daphne
Blundered into - Shaggy and Scooby!
Hey, these are just the statistics!

We're working on it!Ed Writes: What's up with these two? (Fred and Daphne) Are they going out or what? Details Velma, I want details!!!!

Velma Details Eh? Read the last two stories! The Ring and The Time Machine

Carrie Writes: Hello Velma I was just wondering if Daphne and Fred will ever become an item in the future? Thanks the gangs biggest fan ever!

Velma  Hee hee... I suspect so! (see above) Stay tuned!

My heart IS my stomach!Amy Writes: Dear Velma, I am quite honored to be e-mailing you and do not know quite where to start; but I will try my best to put it terms concerning anti-babble. Here goes: This question has been bothering me for quite some time now; do you have any kind of romantic relationship with Shaggy Rogers? I know it is rather absurd, but my friends and I have a Role Playing Game in which I play Ms. Dinkley herself, and I have had a considerably large crush on Shaggy. I thought it would be quite distasteful to spread an unnecessary rumor, so I thought I'd go to the exact source. Well, answer me if you will, but I promise that I shan't spread any nasty rumors. You're the coolest, Velma!!! Yours truly, Amy

Velma  Sorry, no scoop on me and Shaggy! He's like a brother. Happens when you grow up with someone! Er.. Except for Daphne and Fred!

Danielle Writes: I have a question to ask you. Is their a way that I can be apart of the new Scooby doo movie that is coming out this fall?

Velma If you scroll down a bit, you will see a picture sent in by another fan! Feel free to send one in, I'll put it on the page! The rest is up to the big-wigs at WB!

Not another pair!Erich Writes: Velma, I have to wear glasses too (which is not easy when you have a very bratty little brother!) but I am glad to have a good eye care plan to fix my glasses. I also fell asleep in my glasses but I was very lucky. Were you lucky yours did not break?

Velma Er... not as lucky...

Not fun!Christopher Writes: What was the scariest adventure you and the gang solved?

Velma Hands down, the Witch's Ghost! (So far!)

Nice color!Neil Writes: I need to know the colors of the famous van on Scooby Doo I own a 65 chevy van and would love to paint it like the Mystery Machine, any help would be great as I would like to paint it in time for our annual parade.

Velma Ah! Only Shaggy knows for sure. (He painted it.) I'll ask him when I see him next, but somehow, I doubt he remembers! (Lost in a sea of pepperoni!)

Danielle Writes: I am 18 years old. Velma do you have an E-Mail address and do you have Fred's and Daphne's E-Mail address?

Velma Ahh.. The old address question! Scroll down the page. We get all our mail from Warner brothers. I would feel funny giving out Email addresses. You may want to check out Cartoon network

Ouch!Timothy Writes: Velma: Just two more questions. Did you do steroids, or work out regularity. Often, when face-to-face with the ghost, you would pick up the rest of the gang, and hightail it out of there. That had to be 500+ extra pounds you were hauling, when you were breaking the four minute mile. How could such a petite girl like you pick up all that weight, and then run so fast? Also, what happened to your voice in the latter episodes? In the earlier ones, it was little girlish, while, later on, it sounded more sophisticated. Personally, I liked your original voice the best.

Velma They say when you are in fear of your life, you have ten times the strength! That must be it as I have never done steroids, they cloud the mind. As for your second question, check in with the "Production Questions" page on this site!

I need a vacation!Normandee Writes: Hey Velma! My little sister saw Scooby at universal studios, Florida in April, 2000 and she wants to know how he's been doing since then. Is he still there soaking up the rays on the beach?

Velma Not right now. We travel a lot, but I have to say, Orlando is one of our favorite spots!

Not a shirt to be found!Danielle Writes: Why do you wear a turtleneck on the show Scooby Doo? Also my friend Amy wants to know how is Fred, Daphne, Shaggy? And she wants to know how are you doing?

Velma I like turtlenecks! Just my preference. I am doing fine, (thanks for asking) and so is the rest of the gang :)

Chansey Writes: Hi Velma. I was wondering, have you ever had any boyfriends besides Johnny Bravo, Ben Ravencroft, and Hank Willcuff (from the original story Jinkies, Where's Dinkley)?

Velma Oh yes! These are just the ones that have ended up in stories! Everyone thinks I don't date. That's just not true!

(click for better view)Betty Says:

Hi Vel, I'm your biggest fan!!!!!! Anyway, 
I think I would be better suited to play you in the live action movie 
(no offense to Janeane Garafealo sp..?). What do you think?
(Picture Enclosed)

Velma-  Hummmmm.... Fans, What do you think? Maybe we should reopen the Velma Look-alike contest!

Timothy asks a plethora of questions:

1) Hey Velma: Been watching you and the gang, ever since the original series first aired in 1969. In fact, that's my first question. How do you guys stay locked in your teens for 31 years, while I'm showing grey, as I soon hit the big 40? I was actually younger then you, when I first watched Scooby Doo. In dog life, he is now 217 years old. How do you guys not age? What is your magic secret??????? Now there is a mystery to solve.

Velma- Ahhh.. This is a secret shared only between the gang and Dick Clark! Actually, here's the scoop- As cartoons, we only age while we are being watched! Although Cartoon Network has done a lot to age us in recent years, we are still only about 8 years older then when we started. This little known rule of science is even more forgiving to cartoon-dogs! Scooby is only seven years old!


2) Secondly, though it often showed you kinda liked Fred, his feelings for Daphne were obvious. I often thought you could have gone for Shaggy, if he would of only taken 10% of the time he spent feeding his belly, to do the same for his mind (though I must admit, he is a man after my own stomach). Did you ever try to get him to improve on his intelligence?

Velma- Every second of every day!



3) Finally, of all the villains you unmasked, and sent to prison, did any of them ever get out, and threaten revenge on you or any of the gang?

Velma- Yes! Click here for one such story.


4) Oh, one more thing. Just what does: "Jinkies" mean?

Velma- It is actually an acronym of several emotional feelings. (A lot easier then saying all these other things!)
Krazy (I know, it's spelled wrong)

Dark Glasses! Who can see who's making eyes with these on! No wonder he likes them!Velma, hi! I'm PANDA! (Amanda. Panda's a nickname) anyway, I was wondering... I was watching Johnny Bravo with my cousin, when you were on it and we both spotted you making eyes at Johnny! Then they started making that little 30 second thing where he likes you! So? which way is it? Do you like him, or does he like YOU? I was just confused is all.

Velma- Well lets face it, even if he's a little weird and behind the times, he is quite a hunk! (Easy on the eyes!) Both skits were done as a joke, and the joke varies depending on who's telling the story, but it's nice to think that he liked me too!

Hummmm.KEuston Asks- "Dear Velma, Why don't you just get contacts if your always worrying about losing your glasses."

Velma- Wow! Lots of glasses questions this month! I'm one of those people who just can't wear contact lenses. I hate them! As for losing my glasses, I wouldn't say I worry about it. It really doesn't happen that often. For those of us who are high myopics (very nearsighted), losing glasses can be equated to finding oneself barefoot, on a sharp stony road. Nothing to be frightened about, just a real pain!

How about an orange blouse?

Christy Asks - "How come we never see you dressed in formal cloths? I think you would look pretty!"

Velma- Well, it has happened! Not too often, but my life is not all orange sweaters!



Who fell for who?Lindzy Writes- "Hi Velma! I'm Lindzy and I want to know when do you and the gang meet Johnny Bravo? I'd like to know so I can tape it for my sister."

Velma- Actually, the show was first aired a few years back! It was done as part of the "Johnny Bravo" series, although the gang pretty much took over the show! Cartoon Network runs it every now and then, but there's no real schedule for it. The best bet is just to start taping Johnny Bravo whenever it's on! Recently, Cartoon Network has started running a little 30 second spot about Johnny's crush on me. It's a real funny show, even tho he managed to crush my favorite glasses!

Oh Scooby!  You'd do anything to be on TV!Ginny Writes- "Hi Velma, I am a huge fan and all I ever wanted is to have something autographed by Scooby Doo and the gang. That's one of my questions. The other one is will you guys come out with new episodes?"

Velma- A lot of people ask about new episodes. The gang would love to do them, but right now, there's nothing in the works. Best way to get us back on the air would be to write Warner Brothers! (Same with the autograph.) Here's the address:
Hanna-Barbera, Inc.
3400 Cahuenga Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90068-1376

Warner Brothers Studios
4000 Warner Blvd
Burbank, CA 91505
Better yet, Write them both! The more people who write, the better our chances are!

Oh, yea... I forgot about him! Sorry Johnny!"Hi Velma I'm Ashley and I think you are cute with your glasses. Do you think anyone in your gang like Fred, Shag or Scooby has a secret crush?"


Velma- Thank you Ashley! As for the crush, if it was a secret, I wouldn't know it! I know Fred likes Daphne, and Shaggy and Scooby just like food! I know they all think of me like a sister. As for my own crushes, I still seem to be picking losers! Oh well, think I'll stick to mysteries for now.

Gee Johnny,  is this what they mean by a "crush"?Sue Asks- "I wear glasses. You always seam to get your glasses knocked off. Did you ever break a pair?"


Velma- Like by Daphne? (Only kidding Daphe!) Not on any of our adventures. (Except for the pair Johnny Bravo stepped on!) I have however broken a pair or two because I fell asleep in them. Jinkies! There goes my status as a genius....



The glasses I can live with, but I'm glad I only had braces for a year!Lisa Asks- "Velma ever since I started wearing eyeglasses two of my friends have been calling me four eyes. What should I do?"

Velma- If they are your "Friends", then they'll stop picking once the novelty wears off. This always happens when you get glasses, or braces, or change your appearance. Since I always wore glasses, nobody noticed, until one day I got braces. One girl picked on me a lot, then she showed up at school with braces too!


The Brady Bunch..... Hummmm...Lisa Asks- "Velma did Daphne ever date in public? Velma when are you guys gong to have your weekly series again? Velma I'm going to have wear eye glasses I'm even going to have my eyeglasses case for them. Velma how come you and the guys never had the Brady bunch on one of your shows before?"

Velma- Wow Lisa, you have a lot of questions! As for the series, read what I said to Ginny above. As for the glasses, don't worry, glasses can be cool! It's all in how you chose to look at it! And as for the Brady Bunch... Well... I don't know! It just never happened! :)


Bed time, not chow time!Korte Asks- "How is Scoob?"

Velma- He is doing great! (And still eating us out of house and home!)



All Right!!  Some new fans!Lisa Asks- "Velma, when are you guys going to make new Scooby Doo videos?"

Velma- Well we just put out "The Witch's Ghost" in October of 99, but I think what you are really asking is when we'll have our own weekly series again. I wish I could answer that because the gang and I would love to do that, but it is not up to us. Until that time comes, my friend John has been keeping a journal of our adventures! You can read about what we've been up to under the "Stories" section of this site.


Yikes! He wants to make ME into a pie!Jojo Asks- "Dear Velma, how was it when you tracked down the ghost of Sarha?"


Velma- For those who have not seen the movie, I don't want to give the ending away, but things got very scary. Mix a feeling of impending doom with the need to think things out, and you will know what it felt like! It's taken quite some time to recover from that one.




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