Ask Velma 

This is your opportunity to continue the interview and ask Velma questions about the gang and their adventures. Each month, several questions that have been E-mailed in will be answered. We will keep them posted for as long a time as space permits! To ask a question (using our new, fast online form), Click Here

Scoobys Girl Always 1 writes: Does Scooby always find your glasses?

Velma:  I wish! 

Velma Fan Writes: Velma, I have decided that, as my career, I want to do something that has to do with Velma (drawing her or such). I am not sure what there is to do. If you could help me by giving me info or contacting information for someone who could help me with this? Thank you ever so much.

Velma:  You could start by contacting Warner Brothers, but you really need to get a degree in commercial arts and computer graphic arts before digging into the field.

Luna McGonagall writes: In a Scooby-Doo movie book Linda C. states that all the actors are ready to make a second one and that if the movie made a lot of money in the box office the first day which <gadp breath> it did, they would make another one. Can you verify that?

Velma:  It did, and we are!

Jinkies Girl writes: Velma, I know that they are making a second Scooby-Doo movie (to come out in 2004) and I was curious if they were going to have casting calls. Also, do you have contact with anyone at WB or someone that might know more about auditions for the next movie? I really appreciate you taking time to at least read this. Thanks.

Velma:  Actually, the second movie was cast before the first one was released! This is how it is done now. They always have the option to cancel, but not this time ;)

Velms writes:  I can't get over what Fred did to you in the movie. How he stole the credit for your plans and became an egomaniac. It really wasn't fair! what do you think about that? 
P.S, Everyone calls me velms beacause I look like you, talk like you, and act like you. Go figure!

Velma:  Well, as you can see by the ending, things are getting better! Congrats on the compliments! 

Nick writes: Are you a vegetarian in the movie Scooby Doo or is it Daphne?

Velma:  Actually, it is Shaggy !

Simiano writes: Hey Velma! Love your site. My question is, On one of the Scooby movies with Jeannie and Babu, I noticed some mistakes in it. I wanted to see if you had too. Ok. First off is when Abin, and the others are walking to the kitchen. Jeannie's outfit changes colors from purple to green and then green to purple. Then when they're in the kitchen, Babu says they saw the evil djinn. How did they know about the evil djinn if they ran away before Abin told the story? Then when Jadal appears and freezes Jeannie, in one scene, her ponytail is floating in mid air and the next it's right behind her. Then, Fred and the others had been in front of her but when Jadal says that he is going to imprison her in a bottle, they are all behind her. Then, after Jadal imprisons Jeannie and disappears with her bottle, Scooby is offered 3 scooby snacks and he asks for 4. They supposedly give him 4 but there are only 3 on the ground. Then later on when Scooby, Shaggy, and Babu find Jeannie in! the hole in the wall, when she tells them that nothing can get through the wall but sound, the bottle is corked keeping her trapped inside, but when scooby howls and the bottle starts shaking, the cork is no longer in the bottle. Then  when Jeannie makes Uncle Abdullah appear, his turban is red and the next time you see him it is white. Back to the kitchen scene. I know what Jadal's first spell did, it froze Jeannie. After he freezes the gang, he says another one and she is lifted up into the air. What is she lifted into the air for? What does this spell do? And finally, why does Jadal imprison Jeannie in a bottle and why does he have to freeze her to do so? Sorry bout this load of questions. Thanks for your time though.

Velma:   You can find more bloopers on our Bloopers Page

Tyler writes: Hello again, I have a few questions to ask of you to help me on completing a dream I have had for some time now.
1: What model year VW Bus was the Mystery Machine?
2: What was the licince plates identification numbers?
3: And on a more personal matter. If you ever decide to come visit Colorado Springs, could you give me a ring so that maybe we could hang out?

I try to visit your site everyday and while watching television, if I happen cross an episode of  Scooby-Doo, the channel surfing stops in the hopes that your beauty will cross the screen.

Velma:  Not a VW! , Not a good idea to give out plate numbers! , and I sure will!   Thanks for tuning in, without you guys and gals, we would be canceled in a heartbeat! 

Dougster writes: Dear Velma,  I think that you are to Mystery Inc. what Paul McCartney was to the Beatles!  It's your brainpower that keeps the gang on top and the bad guys on the run. Here's my question:  Given Mystery Inc's excellent track record, how would you guys go about solving the legends of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster? 

Velma:  Wow!  Me and Paul! Jinkies!  We never tried to figure out Bigfoot or Nessey, but it would make for an interesting challenge. The hard part is that the sightings are so rare, there is very little to go on. 

Kayleigh writes: Hi Velma! You are my favorite character. I am a lot like u. I have glasses and I am blind without them. I am also really smart, and people sometimes just look right over me because they think I'm geeky. well anyway I just wanted to tell you that you should push Daph aside for a while and try to get closer to Freddie. I think you guys could be better friends in many ways. Daph can give him up for a while.
PS I loved the movie!

Velma:  Don't let the glasses and overlooking get you down. Ultimately, when things get complex, your friends probably come to you!  This is a great complement! As for Fred, he is a great friend, but just not my type. I like the intellectual ones ;)

michelledinkelyschmidt writes: Hi Velma, it's Michelle again to ask you more and more questions. you like to go to the theaters? you like to talk to your friends on the internet? you like to visit some of your fans? you like typing stories? you like walking to the store?
6. do you like watching horror movies with comedy in them like Abbot And
Costello Meet Frankenstein? you watch The Power-Puff Girls? you like adventures that are in the real world? you like going to your uncle's house?
10.and last but not least, what do you do on Saturday and Sunday?

Velma:  Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and Sleep!

mason writes: Hey Velma, got some questions for you.
1.what's your favorite movie: Scooby-doo or Lilo and Stitch? is production for Scooby-doo 2 coming?

Velma:  Little bit of a bias there, although I liked Lilo & Stitch as well!  Production for "Doo Two" has not begun as of this date.

RaBaN Writes: What does Norville Rogers have to do with Scooby-Doo?

Velma:  He's Shaggy silly! 

Ray ray writes: Velma I took a test 11 times to see which member of the mystery inc. I was like and I look and act a lot like Velma and cant show it on the internet. How do I take a picture and put it on the internet on the image test? 

Velma:  Don't know about the test, but if you want to send it to the webmaster here, and it looks cool, maybe he'll put it up right here!  (X)

Bra1n1ac writes:   The first two questions I have are in regards to the "massive strength" issue. Some people believe that you have enormous strength, but you yourself have denied that. First off, I once saw you shove a boy playfully, and the poor kid flew back about 5 feet. I'm confused about that. How did you manage it? Second, in one episode of the series, Shaggy (an excellent athlete from what I've heard) tries to run from danger, and you grab him and stop him with two fingers of one hand. If Shaggy is so good of an athlete, how did you do that? Is there some kind of special technique you learned from all that reading? If so, can you teach me to use it on MY friends? Also, what books are your favorites, and what branches of science are you most interested in? Which branches of science do you know the most about? Well, I guess that's it for now. Until next time, may you find fascinating mysteries wherever you go.

Velma: In answer to your first three questions, Physics.  Add electronics and chemistry for #4

Michelle writes: Hi Velma, My name is Michelle and I have 4 questions for you. 
1.In "Scooby Doo And The Alien Invaders" how come you changed from your turtleneck to a short sleeved shirt.
2.Do you visit Shaggy very often?
3.How come you lose your glasses? 
And last but not least 
4. are you going to see "Scooby  Doo#2".Thanks. 

Velma:  #1, I was hot!   #2, Yes, quite a lot!    #3, I don't really loose them that much!! 
#4, Of course! 

Blossom writes: Velma, first off I want to say your a great role model - I get teased a lot 'cause of my glasses and its good to have someone to look up to. I'm also dark haired and brown eyed which gets me "you are evil" jokes - I'd look to a certain Power-puff Girl in that area but your much much nicer than Cuppo is. Blossom Brooke Stanley / Member of the V.D.F.C.

Velma:  I am really surprised that old stereotype and teasing is still going strong! Girls with glasses are statistically smarter then the average girl! I wear them with pride! And evil? That's cruel! 

Slightly writes: Hi Velma! how are you? I am fine. I saw the movie and boy was it good. I got some questions about the movie:
1.Was the gang shocked when you found out that Scrappy doo somehow made his way on to the movie?
2.How do you guys feel that the movie is # 1 at the box office?
3.what did the gang do to scrappy doo after you kicked him out of the gang? 
4.was it weird when the gang's souls were being switched into different bodies?
thanks. write back please.

Velma:  Ha! Don't want to give too much away there!  I was thrilled at the opening weekend gross, we all were! As for #3, we didn't hurt him or anything, if that's what you mean, and yes it was very weird! 

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