Ask Velma 
This is your opportunity to continue the interview and ask Velma questions about the gang and their adventures. Each month, several questions that have been E-mailed in will be answered. We will keep them posted for as long a time as space permits! To ask a question (using our new, fast online form), Click Here

Jinkies!  It worked!Musachan writes: Ohayo gozuarimas!  Now, I know you think Linda did a fantastic job playing you (which she did), but what do you think about the rest of the actors and actresses?  Did Prinze match Freddie?  Did Sarah get Daphne down?  Was Matthew a perfect Shaggy?  Arigatou gozuarimas :)

Velma:  If I were to rate the parts played on a scale of one to four, with one being the best, here is how I would do it:

One: Shaggy AND Scooby!  They were dead on! I loved Matthew as Shaggy, and Scooby turned out better then I would have ever suspected! 

Two: Velma!  Linda did a great job, I had to keep pinching myself! 

Three: Daphne! I was real worried how SMG would play here, but it was convincing.

Four: Freddy. Sorry Freddy, I just didn't feel like it was you! Part of this was scripting, I know there was a lot of parody built in. Still a good job.

Adam writes: Hi Velma, this me Adam again and I have a few questions for you. Number one, do you and the gang ever watch your old adventures on TV?

Velma: Sure!

Number two, I know that you guys live in a town called Coolsville, but what real-life city do you think Coolsville is like?

Velma: Maybe not so much an actually place, as a time in history. Many small towns were like that back in the 50's and 60's

Number three, what is your favorite Television show?

Velma:  Oh, I have a lot, and they would probably surprise you! Among them are "The Simpsons, Drew Cary, South Park, and The Osborns!" See! And you probably thought I would say Star Trek and 60 Minutes!

Bra1n1ac writes:   First off, I'm concerned about you, Velma. I've been reading your latest adventures (the fanfics) and I'm worried that you are beginning to wish to be more like Daphne. Now, I think I speak for all my friends and myself when I say, "That is not the way to go." Why are you so depressed about being "the smart one?" Is there someone in your life who is giving you a hard time? Is the female image brought forth by popular culture beginning to wear on your young psyche? Or is it just that you would rather live by looks than brains? I have always thought of you as the only person in fiction who was unorthodox and happy about it. I always thought you were proud to be the smart one. Was I mistaken? What I'm saying, Velma, is that if you start to become like Daphne, I personally would sink into a terrible depression. The intelligent, friendly people of this world need you as inspiration, Velma. You must continue to show us all that in the face of adversity, it is possible to be happy with what you are, even when society tells us we should not. You have taught us all a lesson as important as the ones brought forth in Shrek. Everyone is beautiful, Velma, if they are true to themselves, and to me, you have always been the most beautiful person in the world. That is my most important point, but there are other things I wish to say. For example, I just got done playing a video game called Chrono Trigger, in which there is a person called Lucca Ashtear, and I swear she looks almost exactly like you! The only difference is that she is an inventor in the middle ages instead of a detective in modern times. Were you aware of her existence? What are your thoughts about other intelligent toons like Lisa Simpson and Dexter? They are young as yet, but do they show any promise in regards to becoming successful adult toons? Also, I can't wait to see your new movie. If it's well directed, I will see it more than once. Until next time, remember, Shaggy has the luck, Daphne has the dough, Freddy builds the traps, and Scooby gets his name on the title, but the power is yours!

Velma: What a letter!! Thank you.  I think we all go through times of self doubt, but I'm doing fine now. Again, thank you for asking! As for Lisa, Dexter, and the others, only time will tell.

From the new movie(Me) writes: Hi Velma! I love your site! I've noticed a lot of people asking you what you thought about the new live action movie, it sounds like you're looking forward to it. Anyway, I've seen the pictures and read that its supposed to be scary, not for kids, and I was wondering if you think it will actually live up to the Scooby Doo series and animated movies (i.e. Zombie Island, Witch's Ghost etc.), and are you disappointed by the fact that the actors look NOTHING like you guys (take a look at the guy playing Fred, or Shaggy)???--To me it sounds like they're putting 'Scooby Doo' on something that's just not you guys at all! Thanks for listening! Bye!

Velma: Well, the movie had some last minute changes to move it into the PG rating. (A little more family friendly) As for the looks, I think Linda does well. (Check this out) What is more importain is how they acted, and I think they did an A++ job!  Check it out and tell me what you think!

Cathy has her own web page! See our Links section.Cathy writes: Greetings from your "real life look-alike." Really strange question: in one of the books I've read, the author listed you as having a hyphenated last name; your name was listed as Velma Dace-Dinkley." Can you perhaps enlighten us on this?

Velma: Wish I could, but it's just Dinkley! I think a lot of writers have pieced together a family tree that has branches that just don't exist! This may be one.

PowerDaph writes: Hi, Velma! i was just wondering, I cannot help but notice you and Fred are acting much, MUCH nicer to Shaggy now. So tell me, did either one of you ever apologize for the way you treated him in the early years?

Velma: Shaggy has been acting a lot more mature. With that comes added respect. He has always had a heart of gold, but I used to find myself being a big sister to him. Now we are one-on-one friends!

Tyler Marmet writes: I've been watching Scooby-Doo now for years. At first I thought that I was watching it for Scooby, but I've found that you're beauty, charm and intelligence is what kept me coming back. I believe what has happened is that I have fallen in love with you. I know this isn't the first time that someone has told you this, but I can no longer hold back my feelings that have been building up now for some time. I'm not going to ask you to marry me, that would be a little much. I just want to know if we can become better friends. I know that we may never go any further than that, but just being your friend would mean the world to me.

Velma: Jinkies! Of course you can be my friend, and thanks!  I have always found that life works better if you start every encounter as a friend. Bad people will show their hand sooner or later, the rest you keep ;)

Cathy writes: Hello, Vel. I was wondering what your take is on all those nasty rumors about you that have been floating around the internet and other places. (Personally, I feel rather sorry for those people who have nothing better to do than to spread vicious rumors like that). What about you?

Velma: As my double, yep, took the words out of my mouth!  One thing that was done during the filming was that many odd scenes were filmed to throw the "spies" off track. A lot of the rumors got their start due to this.

James writes: Velma, I was curios to know if you were going to return to NASA anytime soon, and if you would ever like to go out some time to the malt shop, I don't care what anyone says, your hot!, I mean, I really dig you, what do you say?

Velma: Wow! Daphne would get a little frustrated reading some of this, but thank you! No, I have no plans at this point to return to NASA, as long as there are some good mysteries to solve!

Mini Liz writes: Hi Velma! I'm a BIG fan of yours. My brother could never be though because his favorite character is that mutt thing (eww) I HATE it. Anyway, I wanted to ask you a few questions. For one, are you ever going to have a boyfriend in one of the cartoon movies (or real)? You need on in my opinion. And when you do get one (that the public sees) you need to find a guy that's short (I'm 13 and 4'7"). Also, is something going to happen to you like something happened to Shaggy in "Scooby-doo and the Reluctant Werewolf"? You need to be the main character for once. Sorry if I bugged you. Thanks.

Velma: Likes the mutt eh?  Have him go see the movie! As for a BF, time will tell, but it will be someone who touches my heart and mind. (No other pre-requisites) As for something happening to me, I hope not!

P.S. I took the test to see which character in the gang you were most like and I got you. You're SOOOOOOOO COOL!!! (and nice, smart, I could make a list to the moon). Bye!!!

Velma: I Like That!! 

Shaggy's new girlfriend, pictured blond in the movie.Tammy Lynn writes: I think that Shaggy is hot. Does he have a girlfriend now :)

Velma: I'm sorry, but yes, Shaggy has a girlfriend.

Tabitha writes: Hey! I just saw the movie and I loved it! Was there anything that Linda did that upset you cause it was , like, so not you?

Velma: Not me?? Sad, I thought she played me to a tee! Check this out

Ebert writes: Hi Velma! my question is, in the scooby movies episode, Scooby Doo meets Jeanie, when Jadal imprisons Jeanie in a bottle, why can't she just magic herself out?

Velma: The bottle is one place a Genie is powerless to get out of! That's how they get stuck in there for thousands of years!

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