We try to answer as many of the questions as we can!Ask Velma



From the upcoming movie!C. Litton Writes: How could responsible parents allow their children to wander about, solving mysteries without supervision?

Vemla I never thought of us as kids, even when we were in our teens. It is easy as we grow older to forget those magic years... What were you doing as a teen? Compared to some of what some teens do, I think we have lead a pretty tame life, much to the joy of our parents! Wandering about solving mysteries is a lot safer then doing drugs or driving drunk, and its a lot more fun!


Being the smart girl with the glasses can have its rewards!

Kelly Writes: "Dear Velma, ever since I was a young girl, people have teased me and called me Velma. I am very nearsighted and I used to take offence. Recently I have began to think about this differently. My test scores in school lead me to major in engineering in collage. I am now up for a great job at an aerospace firm.  My old adversaries are quite jealous of where my life is going. I find that I am now quite proud to be Velma!"

Velma  Go girl!


Tia Writes: "Do you think I could get the part of Velma in new Scooby movie?"

Velma I don't really have any input on how they cast the movie, although I must admit this is the best picture that has been sent in to date!
I never pictured me with an Asian flare, but the glasses, hair, and general face shape are real close. Good luck, and if any of the WB bigwigs see this shot and ask, I'll be glad to send them your way!


P.S. I hope you don't mind me putting your picture up, but I think most fans will agree, the shot is interesting! 


I remember this! It was fun!Anwar Writes: "Dear Velma, Can you send me a picture of you dancing in rio from the Scooby-Doo Episode "Jeepers!, it's the Jaguaro!" ?

Velma I think this is the one you are talking about.

And, what is your favvvvvvvvorite prime time TV program?

Velma  Prime time eh? Probably the Drew Carry show!

I wouldn't mind finding a few of those Hex Girls sites!Jesse Writes "What are some sights with pictures of the hex girls?"

Velma Best place to find them is in the "Witch's Ghost" video. I don't know if they have their own site, but I suspect a search would find them!

"How old are you and the rest of the gang especially Scooby?"

Velma Older then when we started! Let's just say twenty-something...

"also what tips do you have on getting a mystery in such a boring place as Kentucky and what tips do you have on getting a boy to like you."

Velma Well, the first part I can answer. There are mysteries hiding almost everywhere, most people just don't pursue them. That's what gets us into trouble, we ask "why?"

"P.S. You are so awesome the coolest of them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Velma Thanks!

Brandy Writes "Velma, I have a few questions to ask you.  a) Who were your role models?"

Velma Wow.. I never thought that one out before. Probably my parents!

b) What was the best mystery you loved most?

Velma "Zombie Island "

c) Why do you wear orange?

Velma That's easy! It's my favorite color!From Brandy!

d) Was it Shaggy who started the mystery inc? *I been hearing rumors he started it*

Velma No, it was Freddy and me. Shaggy picked out the van!

e) Why do you figure out things even if you do not know them until the end?

Velma Each of us develop our own suspicions as we go along. (Except maybe Shaggy, who just develops goose bumps!) It's fun to see who ended up with the right answer!

f) What is with Fred thinking he knows everything when you are the brains of the group?

Velma Fred is very smart, but I do think sometimes he shows off in front of Daphne.

g) Do you have any new role models besides the old ones?

Velma Any women who is willing to show the world she has a brain and can use it!

I love asking questions a lot. I guess that's what makes me a natural brain around my family. To be honest, I wear glasses too and I'm 14. Well see ya and if you see Shaggy, Say hi and give him this picture.

Velma I like the picture! Always glad to answer the questions of a glasses buddy!

Scooberoo Writes "Hi Velma, You're My Most Favorite Cartoon EVER. First Question, In Zombie Island, What Happened With You and The Detective Guy? Did Anything Happen After You Got Back From the Island, With Him? 

Someone has to try to control what this boy eats!Velma  Gee thanks!   No, I never really saw him. I mean, we all went out to dinner, but then we loaded up the van and headed home. Haven't really heard anything since.

Second Question, I Saw You and Shaggy Dancing in the Creeper Episode, And I Got a Little Jealous, What Was Going On Between You Too? 

Velma  Shaggy's like a brother... or maybe a son, considering all the mothering I have to do with him!

They take a licking and keep on ticking!Third Question, I Heard on Cartoon Network (Very Reliable Source I'm Sure) That You Are Allergic To Contacts and Glasses Straps Make You Chafe, Is This True? 

Velma  I wouldn't say allergic.. They just really annoy me and leave my eyes watering.  Actually, my glasses are a lot more trouble free then most people think!

Fourth Question, Who Is You're Favorite Actor, and What Sort of Music Do You Listen To? 

Hummmmm.....Velma  Hummm...  I guess that would be Harrison Ford in the Indiana Jones series, as for music, I like almost all music. Rock and Jazz are nice, but a really catchy pop song will always win me over!

My Final Question (For Now) is, Velma? Will You Marry Me? You Don't Have To Decide This Right Away, Please Think It Over."

Velma  Jinkies! My first E-mail proposal! Gee.. I don't think I am ready to settle down quite yet... But I feel very honored that you asked!

I kind of like thin...Tim Writes  "Hi again Velma.  Liked your new T-Shirt and Tennis Shoes look in  Alien Invaders.  You also looked thinner, and, could have given Daphne a run for her money with any of the attractive guys in the movie. My question is what happened to you and Fred in the latter episodes, in the mid-late eighties??  Sometimes you both made cameo appearances, but were not a part of the regular series.  It just wasn't the same without Fred scheming his wild traps, along with telling the gang to split up, and you doing your deductive reasoning, and bribing Scooby and Shaggy with Scooby Snacks.  I know Daphne left for awhile, and it was just Shaggy, Scooby, and that certain annoying puppy who shall remain nameless.  But, she later decided to return to the show, but without you or Fred??  Where did you two take off to??"

Velma-  Thanks Tim!  Always nice when someone notices you lose weight! We were all sad to leave the series. Life throws changes at you, and that's what happened. Scooby and Shaggy continued on while the rest of us went off to find our own lives.  (That little mutt came along too, and I didn't much care for him!) As you know by now, fait has brought us all back together and I am really happy about that! As for that mutt....  hopefully he is not planning a return! 

Kathy Writes "Dear Velma, Wassup! Hi, I'm Crystall! I'm 14 yrs. old and live in Puyallup, Washington. I'm also a HUGE fan of your show! Anyway, I've got a few questions to ask you: (1) Can you or any of the other gang sing? Sometimes, when I'm playing my Dixie Chicks tapes, I imagine that you and Daph are singing. (Daphne does the lead vocals, you as back-up) But I think you two would sound wicked cool together!

I don't like the looks of that mutt... Maybe we should go!Velma Daphne can sing, and Fred has a good voice, but I'm afraid the rest of us sing like Scooby!

(2) Do you guys play any musical instruments? (It would be neat to see you guys in a music band!)

Velma I can play keyboards, and Shaggy is a pretty fair drummer, but that's about it.

(3) Did Daphne ever like Lena in "Zombie Island?" I sure didn't!

Velma Some people just make the hair on your back stand! She was one of them!

(4) Last but not least, when you guys found out that Scrappy (I do NOT like Scrappy!) was going to co-star in your show, what were your reactions?"

Velma How many of those shows did you see ME in ?

Amanda Writes "I've got a few questions for you Vel: (1) Did Daphne ever like Lena in 'Zombie Island'?Really!  I've never eaten one!

Velma No. (Again)

(2) What is Scooby's favorite Scooby Snack flavor?

Velma Don't eat them myself, But Shaggy does!

(3) How's Fred & Daphne's 'Coast to Coast' show going?

Velma Canceled ! But that just gives us more time for mysteries! They still run specials tho...

and last but not least: (4) How did Daph and Fred's show work out after the camera, (and the proof) was lost in quicksand in 'Zombie Island' ????????????????"

Velma Like many of these kind of shows, a little short on facts!

Scoobydoo5916745 Writes "Velma I've been watching Scooby Doo all my life and I've checked Internet sites and I've found that you and (shudder) Scrappy Doo appear together only a few times. I despise Scrappy. How do you feel?"

Velma Well... that about sums it up!

All in the line of work! Chad Writes "HI, My Name is Chad and I am a major Scooby Doo fan. I have all the videos and my wife is helping me to collect lots of Scooby Doo memorabilia and collectible items. I have to admit my favorite character is NOT Scooby but, of course, Velma. Please, can you think back and remember the mystery writer or great detective you admired so in one of the episodes. That was the first time I had actually seen you swoon at another man, so tell me what was behind this infatuation. Was it love or just love of the mystery? To solve crimes for over 20 years, your passion for detective work must have been unbelievable."

Velma Thanks! As for the other part of your question, I think you are referring to Ben Ravencroft, but we all know how that turned out!.

I like a good mystery! Richard Writes "Hey Velma. You rock grrrrrrl. you ever thought of joining or starting a band? If you did... what would you do and which other pop/rock stars would you want to be in it with you? If I were you I would get Dave Grohl to play drums, Sting to play the bass guitar, Daphne to play the keyboards, I would play the guitar, Freddy would play the second guitar and I would get Scoobs and Shaggy to sing.... Do you ever still see your family... How is uncle John? Well, hope you reply... Love Richad."

Velma Family is doing fine, thanks for asking. Now, as for the band thing... I do play keyboards but I am really more into the mystery thing. Besides, have never heard Shaggy & Scooby sing? It is not a pretty sound!

Glasses... No problem! Starsailor64 Writes "Velma, if you are losing your glasses so much, why don't you get a glasses strap or contacts or something like that? P.S. Can I have your autograph?"

Starlight113 Writes "Dear Velma, I heard that you loose your glasses a lot. No offense or anything, but why don't you just get contacts or a glasses strap or something."


Velma Jinkies! I think I'm going to start a new page just for questions about my eyeglasses! I really don't lose them that much, and I really don't mind wearing them! They are part of who I am, and I kind of feel odd without them. Besides, I tried contacts and I just can't get used to them.

Fred's driving is great!I would rather be living them then reading them. Tarankin19 Writes "Hi Velma, my sister and I just thought of a couple questions while I was looking at your site and thought I might ask them to you. (my sister thought of this one) Where did you get your book store? In your opinion who is a better driver Fred or Daphne? (My sister thought of this one too) Can you reach the pedals in the Mystery Machine? Thanks for reading my questions!"

Velma OK, The book store was my Aunt's, I like Freddy's driving better, AND, I am not that small! I can reach the pedals just fine, thank you!

Ahhh.... A clue! Cometgirl14 Writes "Dear Velma, When you were in school, did any of other kids get jealous because you were so smart? I am kind the smart kid in my class right now and when I got a good grade on this really hard test a couple of kids got all mad at me. It doesn't really bother me much, but why would they get all mad over a thing like that? I wasn't trying to better than anyone or anything like that."

Velma Ahhh... Check the interview page for the answer to that one!

What was that name again? Olivia Writes "Velma, I know this is strange, but on a website I reviewed said that Freddy and Daphne had a daughter together. Her name was Prisillia. She had her daddy's blonde hair and Daphne's face! Is this true?"


Velma Wow... First time I heard about this! Maybe the webmaster was looking in a crystal ball!

"Hi my name is Kristina I AM A FAN OF SCOOBYDOO and I want to know if they're going to have a Scooby Doo movie every month. love you, Kristina."

Velma No, once a year is about all they are planning for now.

Joey (yr #1 fan) Writes "Dear Velma, I was just wondering...do you listen to indie rock? because you really look like an indie rocker..."

Velma I must confess, I am not familiar with that kind of music.

I'll never tell! Seim Asks "How old is Daphne?"

Velma Depends on which series you saw her on. When we started, she was sixteen. In the feature movies, she was in her mid twenties.

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