Legal Disclaimer

All character photos and characters on these pages (except where noted) are the legal property of Hanna-Barbera Productions®, Warner Brothers®, and the Cartoon Network®.  They are supplied for private viewing and the entertainment of our visitors. They are used for promotional purposes in an effort to assist in the promotion of interest in the Scooby Doo cartoon and it's merchandise.  Any of these photos may be removed at the request of these owners.  Original stories and website concept are the intellectual property of John Likeglass (Pen-name), or the individual author, except for the characters portrayed. This is a not-for-profit web-site. Advertising banners may be supplied and used for the purpose of offsetting server costs and do not generate revenue for the site owner. This site was originally assembled at the Warner Brothers "Acmecity" server. On May 18, 2001, the server was shut down as part of the AOL / Time Warner merger.  At that time it was moved to it's current  location. 

Comments by Pat Stevens (Velma #2) are from a 1998 interview done by Sarah Baker, senior staff writer with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and appeared in the University paper on 10/15/98.

Bio's and Bio pictures are the property of Southpeek® and are displayed because they are cool. They are not for advertising and do not generate any revenue.

Regulations on submission of Fan Art and Fan Fictions

We realize that many visitors may want to display their own works of fan art or fan fiction on this site. We are happy to accept and display most works, but please read the following before doing so:

Copyright   It must be understood that the all Scooby characters, were created under the ownership of Hanna-Barbera Productions®, later sold to Warner Brothers®, and are the intellectual property of these or the current owners of the character copyright.  Effectively, works submitted to this site become their property as they own the characters.  Warner Brothers®, or the current copyright owner, may at their whim decide that they want such works removed and that wish will be honored by the domain owner. 

Third Party Copyright We ask that you refrain from mixing third party copyrights into your work. For example, a Warner Brothers character wearing a name brand shoe or holding a brand name product. Some mixture is unavoidable or may be unintentional, but please avoid this as we cannot obtain permissions to use such works. 

Credit  The interpreting artist will be given credit for their work, either by real or penname. Once submitted, the work is displayed on a public site. We can not guarantee that this work will not be copied by others.  Remember, if you have used copyrighted characters, these works are actually the property of the copyright owner. 

Term  Work submitted to this site will remain up indefinitely, or a length of time decided by the webmaster or copyright owner. 

Content This is a "G" rated website. Any work submitted should be appropriate to be viewed by someone 4 years old and up. Work should also fit within the character concept and not be insulting or degrading to the original character concept. Remember, at its heart, is a "fan appreciation" website. 

Type We accept line art, paint, computer generated, as well as composite art.  We recognize composite art as a legitimate form of artwork, but do ask that no third party copyright be involved. For example, Warner Brothers characters layered on your own background art, or art of which you have license to use and publicly display is acceptable. Taking web content from another website and claiming it as your own would not be. We do not have an effective way to police this, but if we receive a direct complaint, we will remove the work. 

Format / Size  Pictures should be submitted in jpg / jpeg format with a file size no greater then 500k. This number may be revised without notice depending on our available server space.  Most pictures will be shown as thumbnails with links to the full size work.

Bandwidth Theft  Direct hyper linking of an image file is known as bandwidth theft.  (Example: displaying a photograph on your web page by calling the image directly off the server.)  If you would like to display your image and it is stored here, please link to the HTML page it is displayed on using the target="_blank" code, which will open the legitimate page in a new window. 

Sample Link:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

More on Bandwidth Theft

Enjoy the Site!


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